The Man From Pluto

I know! Super excited, but also want more updates.

These two guys need to shut up about the thing everyone is nostalgic for and get working on a Mission Hill reboot — the thing *I’M* nostalgic for!

I was going to say a less pithy of this. Take your damn star thingy damn it

Way to half-ass it, ladies!

I always get the impression that Whoopi Goldberg is a vestige of that 70s period where movies could be fun and breezy, but didn’t have to have jokes, to be considered comedies. She’s incredibly charming and I’m glad she’s around, but not once have I ever found anything she’s said or done to be funny.

The moment I saw in this review that this film was by the Precious guy any interest I had in it died. It does make financial hollywood sense to give him such a great project, but holy hell, I couldn’t imagine an easier way of degrading it into this his signature showcase of boring, simple-minded, oppressive,

I had the unfortunate experience of listening to their demo album “Ok Calculator” before being properly exposed to their studio stuff, not realizing it’s whole deal as, you know, not meant for actual release. So now, no matter how much I enjoy their awesome, dynamic, “real” sound, I’ll always miss the band I though

I thought it was a Kanye West album. Hmm.

That’s an interesting take, though I’d argue that *most* celebrated sitcoms are successful because their comedy centers on character rather than scenario. If anything, I think the “situation” in the term is more about the conistentcy of the framing device and that, for example, it won’t be sketch comedy or the like.

It’s the kind of thing that might be construed as an oversight in a one-off scenario, but gains significance as part of a wider pattern of behavior.

1. Invent some story about being abused by a public figure

The opposite of hollow, yes, haha

Oh yeah, I love the look of that thing. Must be so heavy though, haha

Aw man, my nerdery about this is an itch I need to scratch (sorry). Danos are indeed cheap (made from composite wood, not drywall, but I get the hyperbole), but also plenty of great guitarists have played them and used them consistently. They have flatter fretboards than other leading brands so they make some kinds of

At Least Iñaritu has made *some* good movies. I honestly think he should have either stayed working in Mexico or at least stayed longer. Hollywood’s damaged his bombastic daring into typical excess.

It’s ok. They tried their breast.

Let’s get ‘im fellas!!

Oh nice, another reason not to bother with Peacock.

Yeah, I got the same impression! Maybe it’s just an interesting, important story well told, but isn’t like, *essential* filmmaking in and of itself.

I don’t think you’re presenting a particularly bigoted opinion here (certainly seen way more concrete examples of that on this website) but it’s not like a B+ is even that great of a grade is it?
Seems like this is well worth seeing for the content alone, and nothing the review itself suggests anything that undermines