The Man From Pluto

I dunno, I seem to recall my mom liking the garage rock I liked in the 2000s quite a bit (since it sounded a lot like the college rock she liked in the 80s), and plenty of the kids I teach now like their parents’ music too. Given A: how fractured popular culture is now, B: how omnivorous kids’ tastes are more

To be fair, that one guy behind the counter in NZ was proportionally equal to a building full of people in the US population-wise. He was also her member of parliament probably.

Seriously though, as an (expat for now) Kiwi, I tend to find that people in NZ care about the US less out of affection than out of an

You made me snort my cocoa laughing. Hope you’re proud of yourself.

I knew it would be a hot mess from the first scene, where they’re doing that whole trope of corset tightening standing in for old timey sexism was bad, but for the entirely wrong period of history. They’re wearing empire waisted dresses for fuck’s sake.

This show is a bit fun, but also kind of aggressively dumb. I know this can’t be the case, but it feels like it was written by stupid people.

Holy hell people, anyone remember piracy? It’s not difficult, and it’s great.

Has James Corden ever been either
A: in a good movie?
B: The good part of a movie?
Honestly wondering. Because if I can take his presence as a metric to ignore any given media object, I’ll take it.

There is one in progress, but I don’t have much hope for the quality of the output it will generate, as it’s overwhelmingly driven by people with little interest in animation itself, and more as a means of getting ideas otherwise meant for live-action off the ground. I predict a lot of Family Guy - style character

I do think some of that is open to interpretation, but it’s a compelling point. Does make you wonder when we’ll see more LGBT characters in films that don’t have to exist alongside strait people in order for their stories not to be considered gay “issue” media.

Not to deny the overall point, but at least in Booksmart one of the two protagonists is out, right?

Thanks for the sources! As a Latin American person myself, I get that Latinx (generally) comes from a place of at least intended respect and inclusivity. All the same, I strongly prefer “Latine”as a gender neutral term, as it is actually pronounceable in Spanish, Portuguese *and* English. Seems like if people want to

That sounds a lot like Mountain Goats lyrics right there, tbh.

The choice to do this war story in a rotoscope-like animation style is giving me strong Waltz with Bashir vibes, but the fact that it is a WWII story specifically also gives me the impression that any comparison like that would play unfavorably for this series, given how incredibly good that movie was (alongside the

On the one hand, being uncooperative is no doubt messing with typical transitional formalities and resources.

On the other, this administration is so corrupt and incompetent, it really doesn’t seem like the incoming team (several of which have worked in the white house already) would qualitatively benefit from the


I forgot that little detail! Yeesh.

What was so odd is that, of all characters, they chose the *mind reader* to be the one to join Wizard Hitler???

Hot Take (no it isn’t): I honestly enjoyed the first Fantastic Beasts way more than any other Harry Potter film, because it was a self-contained story that was actually structured from the start as a *movie*, rather than a narrative lego piece. The characters worked well together, and despite some action-scene fuckery

Totally agreed. The true salad days of this website

Wait, I messed up. You’re right. Toes are fine webbed.