The Man From Pluto

Not if you want to be a glove model. Or really anyone who works with gloves I guess? Surgeons?

To be fair, Her output is the Denny’s of music.

aw, I haven’t read “CancerAIDS” in years....

Could just be because my browser doesn’t let me scroll too deep into comments, but still.

Sometimes basics wanna feel spooky too.

Well, this is the AV Club. Child of the same media source that gave us this:

Despite how obvious this pairing is, i kinda don’t think this is the right pairing of goth elements? Burton at his best is too melancholy for the Addams’ gleeful, loving transgressiveness, and at his worst is just a guy who likes spiky spirals. I think Jhonen Vasquez would be a way better fit for the property.

Man, I can’t tell if you are joking, because I didn’t follow this story at the time, and that might seem ridiculous in some ways, but they totally did!

Some other reviews for this same book talk about more specific plot details, giving a more concrete idea of the issues being confronted and how these relate to the author’s work, life and artistic development. What’s here right now (at least for me) feels a little unmoored, because it counts on us to take the reviewer’

Interesting! I’ll grant you that for TV/other episodic media reviews, but I do see it more in one-off things like movies and books.

Just in case it helps, the review on gives a much more concrete idea of the overall contents.

I keep feeling that spoiler-aversion is becoming a major hobble in media journalism. I don’t blame reviewers for this mind you, I suspect that’s more an audience culture thing.

Right? What’s the through-line here?

Yeah... they also have *me* feeling surprisingly enlightened on gender politics issues for the early 1990s...

Yeah, I get that. That’s an interesting comparison you draw there with Top Gun though. That movie was made in a time period where the US population was pretty celebratory about military action in general, especially as a way of regaining national pride in the wake of Vietnam’s long shadow. Nowadays, the military has

Yeah, I see your point there. I do think the general trend is overblown though by other people who think any idea that doesn’t line up with baseline conservatism is especially political”. I suspect it’s less a traffic issue here specifically than maybe a greater politicizing of our public discourse in general,

It’s propaganda the same way Blackhawk Down was. Get the approval of the pentagon or other military institutions and have them provide resources, advice, locations or even infrastructure. The producers get a cheaper film with a friendly nationalistic audience and a claim to “authenticity”, and the military gets to

I honestly don’t know when this fabled pre-political time in the AV Club ever existed. I’ve been here since before the Obama administration and it’s always been progressive-leaning. Hell, this website spun off from the Onion of all things, what do people expect??

I mean, it’s pretty clearly propaganda. Propaganda can be considered a pretty neutral term morally though —it depends on the audience and what *they* believe to be good and true. Rosie the Riveter was a propaganda figure, and plenty of social progressives seem on board for that. Even if you love and approve of the US

But memory can be collective, and the act of remembering is related to, but distinct from, knowledge. It’s a social process. A community can remember things that an individual might not. Even in individuals, the act of remembering isn’t static. As a pedantic Frenchman, you might be interested in what your fellow

Where are the Dead Milkmen and their Thing That Eats Hippies when you need ‘em?

Oh man, *that* idea brought back some memories!