The Man From Pluto

Interesting! Thanks, I learned a thing then.

Huh, looks like he wants to burn down his mediocre tolerable nice white guy persona and really double down on the deluded angry white nerd boy market.

Yeah, these are cool in concept, but that aspect is not that well executed, and that embossed lettering recalls 90s supermarket trash fiction/bestseller crap more than anything from the 70s/80s.

Oh hey, you’re still alive! Had a nice weekend I hope.
Dunking on you is getting a little sad at this point, so I’ll just leave you for now. See you later angry boy.

Nah, just better read than you, though that’s not difficult. Funny thing is, I didn’t think I was saying anything all that controversial at first! Just laying down some basic historical commentary based in realpolitik principles. But then again you never know how fragile some people are.

Oh no, here come the all-caps! That’s how people will know you’re shouting and therefore correct, right? You have a lot invested in this conversation don’t you? And all to convince some stranger (really just yourself) of a reactive ideology riddled with failure and abuses.
In developmental psychology we talk about

No one is really in control of their life or surroundings. You saying you are in the face of this obvious reality just shows how pervasive (and valuable, for some elites) these myths are.

If you were so comfortable you wouldn’t need to put on this fifth rate Ayn Rand shtick, buddy. Given the small-picture high school level politics and history you keep leaning on, that makes sense though. Keep regurgitating myths though — you’re a perfect member of the dominant social order. Emasculated and fearful.

That was a lot of bluster and faux-authority for (and from) a stranger on the internet. All without ever contradicting or disproving what I said.

Every single modern empire has said they aspire to higher standards, and most of the time that has been done with hubris and hypocrisy. I don’t doubt the sincerity and vision

The US, like the rest of the North, made all its wealth through usurping resources from others. They then propagandized about the resulting inequality as if it came from divine grace and virtue, when it actually came from a combination of luck and opportunism, just like every powerful world player ever. The “great”

Seriously though, fuck this. I’m going back to piracy. I’d rather invest in a home server and 5 dollars a month for a VPN than deal with this mess.

“I’m trapped in a sewer with a confessed arsonist Brock!”

Is Corgan still complaining about “SJWs” these days? 2017 seems like a while ago now.

Fuck dude. What a pointless endeavor. The whole idea of this character was as an avatar of a *banal* evil. She doesn’t warrant a fucking backstory. She’s an empty vessel of technocratic conformity. She’s not meant to be interesting. These leeches (technocratic and banal in their own right) will try to turn a franchise

Yeah, I agree the context here neuters this on a one-to-one level. This is absolutely sexual*ized* harrasment, though in this case not targeting a particularly vulnerable person. From a social standpoint it’s really interesting though: Straight white dudes have continuously vacillated between anxiety and

Not to defend this guy in particular, but in principle... isn’t this sexual harassment?

Does the remake have the original games’ soundtracks? I wanna play to some Ozomatli

*Mournfully*: Eat the pennies Billy

Yeah, you make a good point on the narration adding a lot to the empathy built around the protagonist. In a way, I think that makes it a bit more insidious though, since the character is constructed to so deeply resist introspection or any kind of critical stance towards what he witnesses. So while this could

FG is really well crafted from every angle, but boiled down it’s essentially the same thing as “Being There” but with nostalgia added and the satire filed down to a nub. A modern history of white men’s mediocrity being celebrated put fully on display, but rather than examining it, the movie shrugs and celebrates it