The Man From Pluto

Like the airplane edit of Kill Bill in that Doug Benson routine: “My name is Chuck, and I like to *PARTY*

I think this whole situation is so interesting for the ways in which it highlights the markedness of non-white people and identities in US society. Missy’s character is biracially half-white and Jewish, so Jenny Slate wasn’t altogether inappropriate as a voice actor on that premise. But to US culture, her blackness

Oof. too true

Oh hell yes. Even now I’d watch and ATLA-style reboot of that.

Poptimism was a mistake

I kind of like the design on Bob’s Burgers. It fits the leveling ethos of the show, in that even the highest members of the social hierarchy (whether it be through money, fame, or baseline competence) are also kind of dorky and awkward once you scratch the surface.

But you get exposure! In that some pervert will expose himself to you.

People got big gold Elton John glasses at thrift stores???? Look at those frames — I bet nothing like that existed until 1970

Where does Klaus even get that kind of clothing in the *early* 60s?

True - except for the smooth jazz of the 1980s and early 90s, which is a phenomenon which, given its popularity and whiteness, might have been worth discussing, haha.

Fair point! Still, it’s a problem that cascades, because it makes it so that he misses out on the ways in which mutiple strains of jazz were influenced in turn by non-US influences, most of them African and especially Afro-Latino. That’s kind of a big deal, as it’s relevant both for the evolution of the artform and the

Jazz is enjoyable, but (to reiterate the thing all jazz fans say about it basically) it spends way too much time putting Louis Armstrong on a pedestal, and ignoring basically everything that happened from 1965 onwards. Personally, I kind of hate how it also totally ignores bossa nova, and basically everything else

I don’t know. Personally I’d rather they were paid to do silly things that actually play off people’s affection for them than their usual side hustles shilling for corporations with documented human rights abuses. Like, I don’t begrudge up and coming actors for that shit, we all gotta eat, but once you make a steady

As an all-around win, we should start having Maria Bamford voice as many characters as possible in general

No. That one is useful.

Oh sure, but what you’re describing are standard limited animation techniques. Rocky and Bullwinkle and mid-century anime did the same thing, but like Hanna-Barbera they paid attention to a certain developed design sense. the question was why these things are so *ugly*, not just cheaply made.

Oddly enough, I think it was the influence of experimental Eastern European and British animators. Klasky Csupo, highly influenced by this stuff, were pioneers of innovative, edgy “non-Disney” animation styles in the late 80s early 90s animation boom (Rugrats, Early Simpsons, Duckman). They and their contemporaries est

Why would being cool with Cuba provide access to better Tex-Mex?

Oh, I’m sure that’s true. The kind of leftists I’m talking about dismiss the ones you’re describing as “liberals”. I’m not committed to either position myself. I thought the show was just OK, but I get why people like it. Its politics are complicated.

Meh, the even angrier leftists (and the less angry ones who don’t give ashit about being “American”) absolutely shat on this thing for the same reasons you mention.