The Man From Pluto

Every screencap I see of this show has the same creepy low-rent Nazi vibe of a Mentos commercial. Is that reflective of the look of the actual series?

That’s a really astute observation.

Looking at the screenshot I was wondering why they invited Slavoj Zizek along

So, I’m sure this has been said before (Firefox only sometimes loads comments, fuck kinja, etc etc), but there is some feeling that this is a dumb show masquerading as a smart show, right? I’ve watched it from the start, and it has so many of the trappings of social commentary and allegory without effectively landing

Dolores doesn’t mean giver of pain. quite the opposite in fact. It’s extended meaning is to be a sufferer of pains, in the biblical Mary-grieving-for-Jesus sense. Literally though it’s the plural of the word “dolor”, pain. So Dolores is already a plural. Dolores is both singular and collective. Thematically

Why were they in Parks and Rec? At this point it’s just a stylistic convention

Damn I hope the intended cheeky tone of that last sentence registered instead of it just coming off as assholish

I admire your procedure with identity markers that bother you. I think I do that as well for the most part, but on a larger scale, (as in an open forum for a corporate media source like this) it’s a conversation worth having.

Point taken, but it’s tricky, because it’s one of those words hardly any Latin American uses, but has suddenly become ubiquitous in discussions *about* us by, to be honest, mostly outsiders (though I recognize the term’s origins among progressive and queer English-speaking Latin Americans in the States). The problem

Gringos are so sensitive when called out on their clumsy appropriation of language and identity.

Gringos are so sensitive when called out on their clumsy appropriation of language and identity.

Please don’t take me as perfidious

oops, double post

I was disappointed. It’s not that every new identity represented in a media form needs to revolutionize it or everything, but damn if that wasn’t some bland, paint-by-numbers talkshow comedy content. And the thing is, that would be ok, except that that it’s paired with that self-congratulatory girlboss schitck, so it

I think that’s a more specific paraphilia. A pan person would be more attracted to the individual, setting aside the gendered aspect of the attraction. A bi person might be specifically attracted to certain aspects of gender identity, but likewise wouldn’t generally fetishize the “transness” of a trans person.

As a cis bi person, this is the definition I’ve had communicated to me, and have been working with:

Not a fan of One Hundred Years of Solitude either, I take it.

Haha, thanks!

Hate to be the guy who talks about shit that gets him going online, but does anyone else find Paget Brewster incredibly attractive based primarily on her vocal work? Her work as Sadie Doyle on Thrilling Adventure Hour was so goddam amazing.

The spelling on Kinja’s been going downhill a lot more drastically lately. I’m sure it’s not the writers’ fault, mind you, but I do wonder what’s going on at the editorial stage.

The spelling on Kinja’s been going downhill a lot more drastically lately. I’m sure it’s not the writers’ fault,