The Man From Pluto

Thing is, poets plagiarize each other all the time. It’s pretty much part of the culture. That’s why it’s better to totally ignore them and never give any of them awards.

Ahh, ok. I should check it out!

Bobcat’s stuff once he got out from under that shadow was so, so good. I wish it were more available.

Sam Kinison was really good at yelling I guess. Not particularly clever, or charismatic. Or funny. But he sure could yell a lot.

I wonder if that maxim still holds up (if it ever did) amid A) the recent radicalization of both the voting base and the two party system, and B) the growing nihilism almost all sides are having with respect to this country’s political mechanisms?

While some of the criticism of the actual structure and emphasis here is valid (I read the Spanish language version of this ages ago, so there may be some differences there), I find it odd that Guevara is so continuously critiqued for being “violent” as an on-the-ground military leader. It is of course impossible not

What, no Creedence? I prefer CCR with my CPR.

Haha, oh man, the British/Commonwealth is even more pretentious than that even. We call it “intermediate school.”

Better costume, underdog cred. I don’t agree with it, but I can see why (wannabe) jaded boys love it.

Is anyone else getting Venture Brothers vibes from this? the whole Franchise already sounds like a less interesting VB, but now there are lepidopterists involved.

Sweet Rosalie, she’s working at the five and dime

I mean, I could totally picture it as rowdy pop punk, actually. Or possibly metal. Though I doubt either option would be very good.

How can they be the new ones? They're not a multi-ethnic rag-tag group of urban scallawags!

I'm trying really hard to remember the last "good" cover of a hip-hop track I've ever heard. Razorlight's version of Hey Ya was OK, but does Hey Ya "count"? Surely it must, but it's also super pop. Apart from that, my memory's crowded with suuuuper sad "ironic" white people covers, in, like, bluegrass.

At the mention of Rusty, I thought you meant the Venture Bros for half a second. I would totally believe that as a plotline

That makes it sound like someone's molesting priests

Yep. Julie Ruin was a solo album/pseudonym. *The* Julie Ruin is a band.

Nobody's blaming victims. The people attacked had nothing to do with this. Plenty of people on this comment section are discussing what will happen now, speculating how things are probably going to get worse for everyone involved. This is probably a discussion for another time, and I'll cop to that, but what I said

I hit submit before finishing that sentence. Of course this is horrible.

Not to say that anyone deserves this horror, but there are very specific reasons for Europeans in general and France in particular to be attacked like this, given the current political/religious climate.Europe's riches and social advances were built on a lot of exploitation - some of it quite recent.