The Man From Pluto

Pablo Neruda said laughter is the language of the soul!

Ha! So now instead of trying to discredit me (not the argument) on the grounds of not "knowing" minorities, you're doing it for my assumed age and educational background — all while appealing to a wholly undefined notion of 'reasonableness', and telling me that you're informed. Very convincing. You got nothing, dude.

Heh, a lot to unpack here.

…you're missing the point. Or attempting to derail it. In any case, itdoessentdoanything already broke it down, so I don't really need to.

Pfft. Nobody's censoring your little white saviour fantasies, dude.

I dunno man, I don't hang out on Tumblr. Good for Tumblr people for swearing sometimes I guess?

Well sure, its nice and all diegetically, but this is fiction. Decisions were made to make a story in which a white lady inspires a Mexican kid to educate himself.

Yep. It's a stand-in word for when you wanna say "bigoted (racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.), but not in a means-spirited way". I get why people use it - it's diplomatic. At the same time, I'd rather say this stuff is what it actually is. In this case, it's racist as fuck.

Yeah… a show created by people who clearly hated what was going down in the 80s

Another weird one in terms of eligibility. 6 episodes, originally distributed as a video rather than broadcast. Great show, mind you.

They weren't very good shows. Not the older ones anyway. Maybe Gummi Bears and Gargoyles might be an exception, but the latter hardly counts as Disney given its sensibilities.

Looney Tunes weren't originally a series, though. They were theatrical shorts, which were then packaged into a variety of shows. Might as well try to put short story compilations into a list of great novels. They're great, but not relevant.

Heh, The Monarch grew up in Don Draper's house. Also, I really love how the the streets are suggested to be sketchy in direct correlation to the radical leftism (no pun intended) of the black activists they're named after. They're not only MLK poor, but Huey P. Newton poor!

That's what I do myself when I'm working one out.

Hmmm. Yes, agreed. Well argued!

That really depends. It first of all depends on the concept of popularity you're working with, and there are several. It likewise depends on what aspect of popular culture you're studying. A cultural scholar might be interested in, for example, the impact of GotG in society or the wider mediascape without giving a

I never got the impression Jodorowsky claimed credit for all the ideas, just the bringing together of the people that had them. Dude seems like a master delegator, if nothing else.

No, it's a mark of the popular. Not the same thing. (They're not mutually exclusive either, mind you)

"Here, let's switch! Maybe that will help"

He's here to [PARTY!]