The Man From Pluto

Yeah, the schlockyness, individualism and twisted morality make it a perfect addition to to current Disney oeuvre.

Clever Username disapproves of your five-assed monkey.

Wasn't the little mermaid all naked on the beach and wearing a shell bikini and shit?

Welp, this is how I picture Terry now:

Black Francis and the girl (let's call her a woman) who made him tired (presumably not a whore with disease).

I know they'll probably resolve it with a romantic angle, but his cluelessness til now always made me read his reaction then more as that of abject dependence than romantic longing.

This might have been said before, but I'm getting some strong Edison-meets-Tesla vibes off this guy. Endlessly self-promoting, savvy at business, technical genius, and maybe also kind of asexual?

Ha! Unfortunately, I read that as "TMBG alumni choir" at first glance, which I now wish was a thing that existed outside lame-ass university acapella contexts.

Dude, there's like hundreds of terms better than hipster for that shit. Commercial, nihilistic, condescending, faux-ironic, calculatedly cloying, culturally bankrupt, etc. etc.

Me too (In Madison) - though I did miss Kim. Also Velouria.

Ha! Except this dude isn't asking for either.

It does visual humour better than AT and RS too. It's less consistent storywise (still very willing to press the hard reset), but when it's good it's reeally good. "The Shell's" been the highlight for me so far — poignant without sacrificing humour or tone.

Luuuurve Hey (and Tame, and No. 13 Baby) — Doolittle is my favourite album. But I've been Tired will always own the dumbass young adult living inside of me.

Aw duuude. What I wouldn't give for "Pulp Fiction: Live".

Gaaaah. Everything you said here makes me so angry! But that's just a taste issue. Good day to you :)

Music fucked it up already. Gonna suck. I'm calling it. (Woulda dug a version made by Sylvain Chomet though - that guy woulda kept the pathos and jazz)

Heh, that show's dialogue sounded like rambly old-man talk obsessed with youth in the 90s. Those people must be like 100 years old now.

Can we excise her vocals? That would be pretty sweet.

If they really wanna connect with the young people, they should use a cover of the original, but sped up. That makes songs good, right? Like this one:

Of course. He's white.