
Some people have friends, acquaintances, or even family that use social media as the primary means of communication. If something happened to me, there are people who would never know unless someone got on my account and told them. I would just stop appearing online. The suggestion isn’t to switch the person’s status

feel like your original headline, I, Cecilia, Hate Fun, was a better fit for this one

Counterpoint: Junkrat is amazing.

Shit talk is unnecessary if you have real talent and reveals shortsightedness and a shallow mind

How is this negative/“unfun” at all? All people who go through pregnancy deal with this gross stuff, and it’s not negative whatsoever—it’s a reality. Pregnancy is objectively UNFUN. Did you spend time to read this article at all? Sure, these symptoms are negative to the mother bearing the weight of them, but the

can I use...

This is creepy. What CK did was horrendous, and I’m all for firing him from future projects, but this 1984 rewriting of history is fucked up. This thing happened. For better or for worse, it’s weird to want to deny that fact.

1,000 kids per month choke on food.

You’re kidding right? English bacon is a travesty that doesn’t deserve the name. It’s basically ham. It’s not smoked, it’s not from the belly (which is better), and it’s almost never crispy. I’ve had bacon around London a dozen times and it was good only one time. Once, ever. And that was at a Scandinavian restaurant.

He had pink eye! Whereas Matt Lauer had his eye on pink.

...ewwww. that joke was bad.

There are aways people who will complain about stuff like this only when it suits them. Double standards I guess.

So, they chose convenience and appealing to the core audience. Same for Ghost in the Shell.

Gotta get the widow skin before blizzard changes it for being too hot

Again I feel like a lot of this interpretation is simply looking for a message you wish to be found.

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!

You are aware that boxers are commonly referred to as “fighters” and a boxing match is typically referred to as a “fight,” correct? And even technical or defensive boxers are known as “technical fighters” or “defensive fighters.” And he’s 49-0. If Laura had called him one of the greatest knockout artists or sluggers,

I’m gonna wait for the Xbox One X Two X Xbox.

Nintendo: No one could come up with a worse name for a console than Wii U.

Neo becomes Pro

On the charcoal chimneys (the ONLY way to light charcoal, BTW): Instead of newspaper, try the plain brown paper that more and more often shows up in packages as more environmentally friendly than foam packing peanuts.
We do a lot of online ordering - and get a lot of it. And it lights as well as newspaper and leaves