Anyone use Wickr?
Anyone use Wickr?
If you watched the meeseeks episode and didn’t laugh, you can go fuck yourself
He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.
Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.
This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.
The 52% of white women who voted for Trump are the ones that really boggle my mind. I just don’t get it. I should start telling them to shut their mouths and assign them ratings based on looks. Then I can just grab their pussies to shut them up.
I am loving the “no-fucks-given” attitude Blizzard’s been showing with their bans.
I want a good phone, though.
Gettin’ real fucking tired of this no Android shit.
it goddamn better......
Please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine. please be a new game engine!
Methinks he’s making a joke about how many Bloodborne articles we’ve had lately.
Soon I won’t have to actually play Bloodborne. I can just go through each article Kotaku has posted about it.
Oh, look. The Never-Sleep-3000!
The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?