Makes sense, since his roster-building sensibilities is like someone who plays MyLeague with budgets off.
Makes sense, since his roster-building sensibilities is like someone who plays MyLeague with budgets off.
LeBron activates playoffs mode on NBA 2K19
I’m more interested in what is so “horrific” about Drew’s house.
A Magary is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he gets out of intensive care.
He was Drew the Gray. After his battle with (the Balrog? for all we know) we believed him gone forever, but he has returned as Drew the White to help us destroy Sauron.
I’m not pretending that there isn’t that element among baseball fans. But when Phillies fans are fiercely loyal to (much less remarkable) Hispanic players like Carlos Ruiz and Raul Ibanez, I think there might be more issue with Machado specifically.
I will never not think we are talking about Mario Batali when I see Mario Balotelli’s name in a headline. It could be “Mario Balotelli wins Ballon d’Or” and I’ll think “How’d he manage that in Crocs?”
Instead, you performed the digital equivalent of sticking your penis out of your trousers.
But with brand value, he’s solidly in the $4.382 billion range for net worth.
I’d love it if his announcement was something completely lame like “I’m opening a chain of chicken restaurants! Stay tuned for ‘Beto’s Baked Chicken Boutique’ opening in 2020!”
The thing is though, there was also an overcrowded Republican field in 2016 and it didn't exactly lead to their best and brightest being selected. Having choices is good, but too many choices (especially when many are so similar) can be dangerous, we've seen before how they can cancel each other out and allow the…
Fun fact: “The Touching is, To Me, Off Limits,” was the original title of MC Hammer’s 1990 breakthrough single.
In Soviet Russia, Wang touches you
Whatever you think of his take, you have to acknowledge that Bill Simmons’s history definitely gives him a position to criticize a person for trying to lure talent away from another organization to join his own.
I think he’s one of those people who sounds smart and reasonable until you hear him talk about something you’re an expert on. Then he sounds so uneducated that it makes you wonder about everything else he’s said.
My wife does this. Then complains that shes so busy all the time.
If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”
“opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person”
I’m confused. How can you point the finger at Filipinos when you yourself have both a cat and a sautéed German Shepherd at your disposal?
Counterpoint: Nobody wants to hear a karaoke version of “Under Pressure”.