Yesterday, Jemele Hill, co-host of the flagship 6 p.m. edition of SportsCenter, tweeted a very obvious and…
Yesterday, Jemele Hill, co-host of the flagship 6 p.m. edition of SportsCenter, tweeted a very obvious and…
Trump voters didn’t vote for a town override that would improve local schools but also hurt senior citizens’ tax rates. They didn’t vote for a congressman who believes in small government but also spends a little more on defense than is necessary. They didn’t vote for a Senator who’s too soft on crime but also takes…
It’s not “prejudging”. The results are in. He’s an awful person, a terrible president, and is VERY OPENLY racist, sexist, vulgar, stupid, and completely unfit to lead a country. Nuance no longer applies here - there is no nuance. It’s all very open and straightforward. Those who choose to continue supporting him know…
No, you’re not. You’re literally not pre-judging them, you’re judging them. For something they did and/or are continuing to do. Saying that you don’t care about their motivations for doing so doesn’t turn back time.
Bauer’s night was a right wing fever dream about Columbus Day come to life: an Indian getting absolutely killed out there and then getting triggered about it.
Likely right.
Seems disrespectful toward veterans and the flag, tbh.
She’s the most talented, whipsmart, fearless sports presenter to come along since who knows when.
The first time I saw her on TV, I actually called people to tell them to turn on the show.
Even if they don’t have any actual ideas they could just reboot Garbage Time on a channel that people are watching.
Katie’s like a…
It’s a relatively small and banal part of the job, and it pales in comparison to all the other ways he sucks, but the way he responds to these disasters is sickening to me. That an adult human cannot suppress the reflex to engage in superfluous praise (mostly of himself) to focus on victims of a disaster is…
We need to get back to not caring about injured players as people because they’re not on a team we latched onto due to the happenstance of the region we were born in/bandwagon we arbitrarily hopped on, eschewing all others because we cannot vicariously feel elation and a sense of self-worth in their wins.
Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices
Jones was kneeling to demonstrate that no one, not even the President will tell him how to act and handle his team. The original intent of the protesters who knelt during the anthem were doing so for to highlight injustice in America. The intent of most people who knelt this weekend were not doing so for that end.
Doing nothing would have at least been more genuine, in that it would signify where they stand: Not willing to get involved in protest. What they did last night tried to say something about not wanting to be left OUT of the protest but also not wanting to offend people who are offended about the protest.
It was…
Okay, I’ll bite.
What you are missing is the connection to the original problem.
The thing is, protests are symbolic actions, designed to point to a specific issue. Thus, it’s not Kaep sitting or kneel just for the helluvit, but to shine a light on police brutality and systemic oppression of POC by the criminal justice…
It probably would have made more sense for Jerry Jones to provide a statement to the media condoning the support of his organization for his players’ rights to demonstrate as a form of protest for injustice and commit funds to support initiatives within the community to help correct some of those injustices. Instead…
Costas is on point—you can’t celebrate anything in this country anymore without first thanking the troops (and to a lesser extent, first responders).
Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.
There are too many shows on TV. Too many shows! Who can watch all of these shows? I can’t watch all of these shows.
He looks like a Dothraki power bottom.
Sometimes the Baseball Man is a self-righteous asshole but other times the Baseball Man is fun and good.