The Magic Loogie

1) I don't think they share the same name. 2) She might not be on anyone's radar (Interpol, CIA, FBI, etc.) yet.

I heard that red herring was a very popular dish at a certain wedding before all hell broke loose.

According to Merriam-Webster, the first use of pecker when referring to a penis is 1587, so I'll allow it.

Can you point me in the direction of these "higher death ratio" stats? Sounds pretty anecdotal.

Simm works very steadily on highly regarded projects in the UK. He's just started to take a look on our side of the pond. Even though it wasn't as well received as it should have been, I think he enjoyed working on Intruders so he's giving us another shot.

Too late to ask Patty Duke.

He'll fake his death and return after Jane's moved on and fallen in love with someone else.

Jane is supposed to be smart, but her being content to write schlock is disappointing. She needs to embrace her advisor's challenges to her cliched writing style.

Can't believe I'm saying this: It can be two things.

Tom Ellis.

i didn't say a word about how the characters were portrayed, but who played them. I can't recall, but were any male characters portrayed by women in the cast?

I call them hoagies.

Rectify was streets ahead with their wavy guy.

Try googling "Republicans now saying Democrat instead of Democratic." There's even a Wikipedia page "Democrat Party (epithet)."

That and his constant "I kid, I kid." And his lecturing the audience when he doesn't like their reaction to a joke.

Believe me.

One of the highlights in Constantine. (Yeah, I like the movie — don't know anything about the graphic novels.)

Whether the line readings are intentional or amateurish, I really enjoy them. I love Lily.


Orson of Mork-terest.