The Magic Loogie

But don't let them drive. Amirite?


Mrs. And Mrs. Doug Hitler.

I'd watch the hell out of a TV version of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, if a less fat Val Kilmer returned as Gay Perry. Even better: Netflix it.

It was great that the AV Club highlighted this program, but it's too bad the Club members aren't paying attention.


This is so much more watchable than OJ frickin' Simpson.


Please put down that broad brush and back away slowly.

I think Brain Games had an episode that proved you really can't concentrate on two things simultaneously. It's more a matter of how quickly your brain can switch from one task to another and back.

I read this review and realized I have no idea what most of the characters' names are. I guess my multi-tasking isn't quite as smooth as I thought it was.

Same could be said for Frasier, which is why I stopped watching after the first few episodes of the second season.

Lily (and her smart-ass attitude) is the only character I like … probably because she's used so sparingly.

Chloë Grace Moretz was in a couple episodes as well.

I wouldn't mind a revolving door of New Boys as well. Well, Winston hasn't been over-used, so he can stay. The other two, meh.

Did anyone see poor Furgie in the nice, cool bedroom? Or was he sweating it out with Nick?

They gave me a tranq before the surgery and that was it. During the drive home, I remember my friend getting out of the car to get some Quiznos which I ate in a haze. Got home, fell into bed, and when I woke up, I could see. Didn't need painkillers.

Unless he treats Trump as Letterman did, giving him shit because his Trump ties were made in China.

I'd like to see today's Joel McHale answer 5 Questions on Kilborn's Daily Show.

I'll wait for the audio version. I think McHale's voice would add a whole other level to this thing.