The Magic Loogie

Letterman had no problem telling people to do things they really didn't want to do, at least at first. Was he sleeping with all of them, including Rupert Gee?

That reminds me of one of my favorite sayings, "Fuck the Cowboys."

First chance he got, Ser Pounce took off to join Nymeria's pack.

True. It would be difficult to spot hundreds of ships and thousands of troops from the air. My bad.

I watch The Late Show so I can hear all about Colbert being from a large, Catholic South Carolina family.

Have you seen him in State of Play? He played such a sweet guy among so many questionable characters.

Maybe she needs to collect a few faces.

I loved that so much and I don't know why. I'm not a Kenan fan, but, damn, it needs to be my new ring tone (to replace "It's Debra's Time).

I first read that as "dong lover."

I was in this mainly for Dave Foley, but overall I kind of enjoyed the show.

The origin story for Chicken Lady. Nice.

I hope you're watching, ABC. Un-cancel The Catch, right now.

If Nora had answered the kill-the-baby question with a direct yes or no, she would have been accepted. But she equivocated and thus was determined to be an unacceptable candidate.

Ohhhhhh, Rocky!

But ya doesn't hasta call me Johnson.

"Buttery" is French for "sexist douche nozzle," right?

I prefer dark hair, too. But for some reason, I found his pale, sweaty, sickly Doc Holliday extremely attractive.

The people building boat were a vision/hallucination of the dead children all growed up, right? Can Kev Sr be sure they're correct about Chris Sunday having died?

Robinson, please research how often male characters tell female characters to "calm down," and vice versa. I'm pretty certain the results would confirm my suspicions.

So true. I know my family and I always look forward to standing together in front of the microwave, waiting patiently as the Totino's Pizza Rolls go 'round and 'round.