The Magic Loogie

Generally, Lorre swings for the LCD. He's successful, like Leno and McDonald's. Quantity over quality.

And they're mirroring the trend of combining minorities (non-white males) with the inclusion of a woman of color.

Hey, has anyone seen my My Morning Jacket jacket?

You're in for a glassin' you sodding git!

Ah, Bach.

He appears to prefer to stick to the West Coast, hence Conan and Ellen.

They should have had her get pregnant by the green rapist.

"Spratt in the Middle."
"Jessica Spratt."

"Your black is as big as mine"?

I think one of Franck's ancestors, Edward de Franck, was the true author of Shakespeare's plays.

Oh, all of those insecure actresses who can't stand competition. Are men ever accused of this, or is this a stereotype reserved for women?

Free rein. It's a horse reference.

Ike Barinholtz and Adam Driver are perfect examples of
how low the cute bar has been set for guys.

Made total sense to me.


He's a lawyer. Of course he's manipulative, shady and underhanded on occasion.

IRL, Cumming is a year older than Margulies.

I say things like goddammit, swear to god, etc. Doesn't mean I believe in it/her/him/whatever. Same with mothereffer, sonuvabitch, blah blah blah.

David Lee doesn't like her. Peter's mother doesn't like her. That judge (and I'm sure some others) in bond court doesn't like her. Diane often doesn't like her. Will's ex-girlfriends don't like her. States Attorney lawyers don't like her.

Is Allison carrying the same handbag that Saul bugged? If so, is anyone listening to her conversations? If so, they would have learned about the SVR's preference for the sarin to be released.