The Magic Loogie

There's goddamn sarin gas aboout to be released that will kill tens of thousands. I'm pretty sure there's no immediate concern as to who killed whom.

Curtis stated that he believed she was innocent, and he wasn't looking for anything that proved him wrong.

And using that word - and having to capitalize it - is pretty effing disagreeable.

And make him drink the goddamn water.

Must be a familial trait.

Don't forget the Deutsche.

Don't forget Ohio.

You sound like the "fans" who couldn't bear to see John Simm play the evil Master after his turn as Sam Tyler in Life on Mars.

I'm guessing, if had been signs of Muslim dudes, they would have called it in asap.

I'm not a big fan either, but it doesn't make me run from the room like the opening song for The Affair does. Oooooh, I just shivered thinking about it.

How about we create a YouTube channel and post our protest videos there? I don't have the casheesh to visit NYC in the foreseeable future.

Blood mixed with sweat, perhaps?

Reading comments and hearing them as they leave the person's mouth elicit different reactions, at least for me. And I didn't discover this through research; I was watching a TV program and BAM, there it was.

She brings up Jonas to Otto, which makes sense. Jonas didn't crawl away, severely wounded. Quinn did, and there's no one Carrie can ask about Quinn's current condition or location.

I don't buy this self-centered label being applied to Carrie. A truly self-centered person 1) wouldn't be a CIA agent willing to die for her country and 2) would have gladly jumped on Otto's plane without a second thought for her child, Jonas, Saul, Quinn, or national security.

Besides the look, I thought he also whispered "Run."

I'm guessing that Carrie's prioritized national security (which requires her survival) over Quinn. Like it or not, it makes sense.

The episodes I've watched showed lots of variety in the doughs used.

Technically, it's correct. But authentically, it's not. That's my point. I haven't lived in the New York area since I was a child, and I did a double-take when I heard it.

Sorry if this has already been brought up, but please, West Coast writers, understand that Coney Island is in Brooklyn, not Manhattan ("the City").