The Magic Loogie

I've got the soundtrack on vinyl. Got to give it a listen sometime.

Then she eats it.

Or they open the car door, which the perp promptly slams into.

If that's the type of show you enjoy, did you catch BBC America's "Intruders"? Lots of viewers weren't happy with the lack of answers upfront, but I really enjoyed it. Too bad there won't be a second season.

The pie might be dry, but don't drink the wine.

To be fair, we'd have to compare the Garveys to the Murphys before the 2% went bye bye. We know Kevin was no angel, but John seems a lot more sketchy.

John Oliver did a great job walking us through this mess on Last Week Tonight a while back.

He brings in a shit ton of money to the firm. They can't afford to let him go.

The review and the grade don't match up at all so I can understand SJ's comments.

What a clever retort. You add so much to the discussion.

The primary locations in those two shows didn't change. The Good Wife goes where Alicia goes.

Maybe because Peter didn't have the courtesy to talk to Eli until after the deal was done. Yes, he could say he had to hire on the spot, but that's most likely bullshit.

She said she needed the money because she and Peter don't pool their paychecks, but I think it's more a matter of her wanting to work and not wanting to work for someone else.

No, we don't "all." It's never going to be a show of just Alicia interacting with new people each episode. The groups she worked with, both in the law firms and while running, are going to intersect with Alicia's orbit occasionally, and she's going to start interacting with others.

It's sad that people allow this matter to keep affecting how they view Margulies and the show.

Can't remember which season, but Grace at one point told her mother that she was interested in a law career. Helping her mom could look good on a college app (not using those words, of course).

She only had one case (given to her by Alex P. Keaton) so she had no choice but to try bond court. I'm guessing that, as she gets more clients, she won't be a steady bond court lawyer.

I don't know either actress and I don't know what happened between them so I haven't allowed this kerfuffle to affect what I think of either Margulies or Panjabi.

I don't know that Peter was going to dump Eli completely. He wanted him for his chief of staff should Peter win the presidency. Eli could have stayed on in a lesser role, but no way would that have been acceptable.

And Lindsey married him so she could beat her sister up the aisle.