The Magic Loogie

Goofy Ball. "Think fast!"


I just started re-watching NYPD Blue, and I'm enjoying the shit out of them, even David Caruso. And after all these years I still hate Medavoy.

Is it really too much to expect 12 entertaining episodes? If it is, then Showtime should cancel it.

And so male.

AKA Professor Professorson.

How much more a pound does fuckin' chicken cost compared to your standard non-fuckin' chicken? And can you really taste the difference?

Wondering if Erica's using the kids as child labor to assemble her line of Mushmouth/Dumb Donald hats.

It's a very Hannibal thing to do.

I loved "sehr beautiful." Ha!

Women often portray the more realistic reactions to trauma. It's the men who shrug it off and don't look back. Because … they're men.

I think it's a reflection of our growing intolerance for this kind of behavior. If a white actor were accused of this type of behavior today, I don't think he'd be able to skate.

It's what a starfucker does when they're done fucking a star.

As long as you don't say anything racist or homophobic. A slur against women is still fair game.

Well, we don't really know what happened first. Did Alice start drinking heavily, thus pushing Dan away, or did his philandering drive her to drink? Sounds like he's been there for her each time she went on a bender. It's hard to say who's at fault. Probably both.

It doesn't take that much to be a better person than Bill.

You're not the boss of me now.

Talk about a blink-and-you-missed-it moment. That was just cruel.

I'm so embarrassed to admit that I still say exsqueeze me. Pretty much a habit now.

Danny had 16+ hours on the plane to think about it. That's practically a day.