The Magic Loogie

"Stunt bartenders and extreme pogo-stickers."

He's inheriting Letterman's audience, which tends to be center/left-leaning.

Can anyone speak to this? I thought, possibly naively, that the Late Show was taped in real time. By that I mean there were few, if any, retakes, and interviews were shown in full. Dave had no problem letting cock-ups air. Maybe someone who attended a show can provide some insight.

I grew up watching late night talk shows, and I still watch them … but I use this thing called a DVR that lets me watch them whenever I want.

The Cleveland West Side Market.

Crap shows like this one (which I hate watch) go on and on. Intruders gets eight episodes.

Nora's leap from "died in my arms" to "we were fucking" was as wide as Evel's Snake River Canyon jump.

To me, family implies children, of which he has none.

Not a fair comparison. Bill wouldn't book beauty appointments for her because 1) he's thoughtless and 2) they work together. Dan gave her the option of relaxing and having a little fun. When Virginia told him she canceled the appointments, he wasn't surprised or hurt. I think Dan truly appreciates her intelligence and

They're the ones pushing the dad bod as a thing.

So, still not the Doctor.

Except for Roberts, I'd say the Masters were power dressers. I can't think of any attired as a children's storybook character, right down to the damn umbrella.

Just realized that Radar O'Reilly was a synth!

Are you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed all over the floor that Jewel just cleaned?

Let's open the fucking canned peaches and celebrate!

Let's really switch it up and make it a polyandrous relationship.

If Colbert treats politicians in the same vein as Letterman did, he'll do just fine.

Make those alternate timelines and get Dan Harmon involved.

But a bet she's a damn fine bowler.

But it implies that you still go through with it, despite hating it. Either from desperation or weakness, neither of which is a compliment.