The Magic Loogie

If Letterman were to claim that he's converted to Scientology, well, that would make my year.


Ah, okay. I read your comment as all CBS shows aim for the lowest yada yada yada.

All together now, "it can be two things."

Thank you!

No, but I do believe one of his ancestors was a Baratheon bastard.

His constant mumblings and reliance on "Mmm okay" and "Alright" cause my ears to bleed a little.

His character in the original Mad Dogs was generally annoying and whiney. Did enjoy the oft-repeated line, "I'm not an accountant. I'm a financial advisor."

I think they need Omec's equipment to retrieve the gulenite.

I think the whole thing kicked off the with Cersei/Jaime rape/not rape kerfuffle. It's been open season since that point.

I was disappointed with the show when it went from Olivia-centric to "it's all about Peter."

Or, since he would no longer be tied to the Night's Watch vow, he could go south to kill those fucking Boltons.

And to bring Arya and the Hound together.

No exclamation points, thus no boiling rage.

I'm an American pearl.

Well, that particular face and body type appeared in 87 episodes of Monk, from 2005 to 2009.

Episode One: "The Case of Frank Burns' Missing Lips."

You have to go full Southern: Ah-hiah.

Season six is airing on MeTV right now.

I'm hoping Ramsay didn't leave it there on purpose for Sansa to pick up, just to fuck with her. He's all about false hope, isn't he?