
How nice for you to be able to get a break from all that awful thinking and feeling and caring. I hope, for your sake, you will never be stripped of the privilege of not being affected by the politics of the day.

Eggcellent reporting. I hope they crack the case soon. Cheating like this is no yolk. People who spoil other’s fun really makes my blood boil. They are basically poaching gyms. Their accounts should be fried.

Man, gym battles have really become scrambled.

Boyfriend does this, tampered down from his original line “How you doin’?” Which I quickly killed. I sent him this post this ensued.

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

I mean, that’s why we ran video of him talking.

Remember he balanced the budget by doing things like cutting funding for HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention which lead to a massive HIV crisis in the state of Indiana.

Polls repeatedly show that a huge majority of Americans believe that there is already a federal law preventing discrimination against LGBT people in the areas of employment & housing. Straight people live in Narnia. They have no fucking clue. More importantly, they think they have a clue, and they’re wrong. Must be

Form of: A losing ticket!

In one of those speeches of theirs the two of them were like “We represent the people of Indiana.”

Which many states have achieved by underfunding their pensions. It’s not really something we want to emulate at the federal level.

It’s kind of impressive that Trump could pick someone who would be objectionable is almost every opposite way from him. I’ve known people who are like “Well, at least Trump isn’t terrible on abortion and gay rights” and then he picks Pence, who is truly awful on both. There’s almost a part of me that wants to

I’m afraid it’s a) 2000 and b) tobacco.

Don’t forget their duel power of misogyny!

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy. I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order,

They’re an interesting hair duo, I’ll give them that. Bird’s Nest and the Iron Helmet. It’s like a superhero team with the combined powers of racism and homophobia.

i was hoping for jill stein bc that would have actually been surprising

This is a platform that unites all of America. No Trump Sex.

Not to keep posting on here, but one of the worst things he did was contribute to a MASSIVE HIV outbreak in Scott County, Indiana. It’s one of his scandals that people seem to forget but it’s horrifying. HORRIFYING. In 2013 the only Planned Parenthood there closed due to lack of funding, which left the county without