You seem moronic SmartTrumpVoter.
You seem moronic SmartTrumpVoter.
All they’d have to do is print and rain down 20 Trillion dollars from the sky........and we’ll fight and kill ourselves.
I think the key to space exploration will be AI
There was a time when we thought we could never touch the moon or fly or communicate over-air with somebody sitting thousands of miles away.
1.5 TRILLION fucking dollars.........and yet, when Bernie wants to offer free healthcare, they ask “We can’t afford it”
If you guys elect Bernie, i’ll have my faith restored that America is not a total lost cause (You did elect Bush twice and then this orange orangutan)
.....actually the voters are made in America. Their brains/intentions are made in Russia
1.We only have Turkey’s claims because THAT’S WHERE the crime took place. You can’t have scotland yard for a crime committed in Boston, US.
You keep saying “turkey’s claims” like it’s some bizarre accusation. They have provided audio-proof to various countries -including Canada, US, EU etc - Even the Saudi story has changed more times than Leonardo DiCaprio’s supermodel girlfriends.
you are merely proving my point
If they abducted him/killed him in a safehouse, they would not be covered by diplomatic immunity. The Saudi embassy cannot be searched by Turkish police. That’s why they killed him/packed him up within that compound. Then probably threw the body in the ocean - or used acid to dissolve
In the end, liberalism always wins.
This Elizabeth Warren thing is absolutely a self-inflicted wound. She was an idiot for bringing up this subject , and an even bigger idiot for trying to prove it.
Trump supporters
the most thoughtful article on this site this year.
Majority rule only works when you consider individual rights. You can’t have 5 wolves and 1 sheep voting on what to have for supper.
facts? meh
By the way Katherine Krueger; your writing style is truly unique and i really enjoy reading your articles.
This guy actually made some decent arguments against trump and was never scared to speak up against President Orange Trump.
And you thought George W Bush was bad