he just science-d the shit of it
he just science-d the shit of it
They fire him, and now HE has to to pay THEM? wtf kinda lawyers does Spacey has?
Rings of Power has more grandeur and dazzling effects, but the storytelling has been dull so far
Trump Jr. probably doesn’t know that Edible Arrangements founder Tariq Farid moved from Pakistan to the United States when he was 12 years old and sees diversity as America’s strength.
I will never ever understand that how one can see a tv show, and then somehow get in the mind-space of “I wanna kill that fucking actor”
Carrie is constantly going rogue, having mental breakdowns, and still somehow being left alone in charge of the most highly sensitive shit imaginable
“We are, we are doing better and more than any other president could’ve done,”
Last i checked, India made a change to an article (370) in THEIR OWN constitution. How does this concern any 2nd country?? It’s like Canada throwing a fit every time the US makes changes to it’s constitution etc
Netflix will give Martin Scorsese’s “The Irishman” a November 1 theatrical release, followed by the Netflix premiere Wednesday, November 27.
The Lord of the Rings movies are longer than that (fellowship, the two towers)
Well, I binge watched Game of Thrones & Breaking Bad (first 2-3 seasons, when they first came out) - and they’re both pretty intense shows that need your constant attention. True, i could pause and take a break anytime i wanted (phone calls, quick chores etc).
Can somebody please take this kid’s phone away from him?
At what point, did the US become so fucking scared of radical change??
These “spoilers” are intentional decoys by HBO execs.
“If men could get pregnant, you’d be able to get abortions at an ATM” - VEEP