
Handling one’s own poo is a fascinating experience, isn’t it? The guy I was seeing was taking a shower in my bathroom and I didn’t want to shit in there with him — I wasn’t really embarrassed, per se (he was a squatter, so I know he’d seen/heard far worse and wouldn’t judge) I just knew this shit was going to be a

Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they

Not even TO Clinton. Between Huma and Weiner. Isn’t it awful?

Even if they did have classified information in them, it would be on Huma, not on Hillary.

Wait, so I’m correct in understanding that the emails are not from Clinton? Which means they were sent *to* Clinton? Short of saying in an email to her, “Here’s that classified document you wanted so that you could sell it to Russia in exchange for that set of personalized Matryoshka dolls,” what relevance could this


Then don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They would have anyway

I’m already looking forward to the impeachment hearings if she wins. This is going to be fun*.

Came here to type exactly this. shit.


So when she wins, repubs will instantly call for an impeachment?

I’m really trying not to freak out here.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

He is always thinking outside the box. He negotiates “discounts” after purchasing things, he just declares bankruptcy when he doesn’t feel like paying his bills, and he buys beauty pageants just so he can ogle naked contestants! Now he solved this whole annoying “election” problem with more innovative, thought leader

Well, this nasty woman just finished filling out her absentee ballot (for a toss-up state with a competitive Senate race, natch) and is enjoying a nice glass of whisky. So enjoy it while you can, you pumpkin-faced loon.

I had no idea popcorn had anuses.

OR DO THEY??????

And they don’t even have blood coming out of their whatever.

All these men are too emotional to be President.