i had to kill 45 babies today, as a quest requirement.
i had to kill 45 babies today, as a quest requirement.
My thoughts exactly. Bethesda can’t decide which side of the MMO fence they want to sit on; if they made it “buy game then get monthly subscription where all players are on the same level as citizens” (so to speak), great, World of Warcraft has been doing that for 16 years now.
he was the perfect cage
“It’s been five years, that was almost two whole phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ago, can’t you just get over it?”
There is an old Communist joke. “We will sell the capitalists the very rope we use to hang them.” This is almost exactly what we do with China. When the corporations sided with the GOP in the 80s the US Christians were relieved. They thought they had an ally for God, Family, and Country. So relieved they never…
I don’t know why everyone is so upset about footage of an event that clearly didn’t happen.
Fuck the CCP
i’m from St. Louis ... and the place could definitely do with a lot fewer of these McCloskey kind of jackasses. The city has these extreme swings from wealth to poverty just within a couple of blocks. And the wealthy privatize the streets & neighborhoods, shut out the world, and exist in their own little bubbles.
How do those dingbats in the Florida video feel about nurses and surgeons wearing masks during surgery? How about dentist and dental hygienists? That lady talking about taking away god’s perfect breathing system sounded like her breathing system isn’t working at 100% capacity.
And it only covers memorials for veterans of the United States armed forces, so any statue honoring a veteran of an unrecognized republic (like the Confederate States of America) is still fair game!
Bloody balls - I wanted to set up an automation to launch an app whenever I leave home, but the app isn’t an option in shortcuts :-/
Luckily, the only people at protests are being bussed in from out of state by George Soros. The only increases will be in the Soros owned towns and states.
I saw someone on Twitter put it like this: we shut off the water to fix a broken pipe, but now we are turning the water back on without bothering to actually fix the pipe.
I saw the title of this, and i thought for real that it was a hand workout with shuffling.
Man, I really loved the 2016 Doom and was very excited for Eternal. And when tearing through Doom Eternal I was having a blast at first.
I don’t think WWE is going out of business until Saudi Arabia runs out of money.
So, you didn’t even bother to take 5 seconds and search. The bare minimum of work. Why undermine your credibility like that? Not a good look.
My husband and I are too poor to get any money back.. We just got married last summer and I was so bummed to discover our refund together was lower than what I got when I was single. The only reason we received anything is because he’s still in school, which made him eligible for a one-time only tax credit.