Jesse Larpenter

Gangbangs are an “abnormal sexual practice”, according to a German?! Really? Thats rich!

I’ve got broken arms. Maybe my stepmother can help me enter my date of birth?

i had to kill 45 babies today, as a quest requirement.


My thoughts exactly. Bethesda can’t decide which side of the MMO fence they want to sit on; if they made it “buy game then get monthly subscription where all players are on the same level as citizens” (so to speak), great, World of Warcraft has been doing that for 16 years now.

Good for her (and us)

he was the perfect cage

Wales -

A graph from the good folks at NSIDC is always helpful. As the old saying goes, folks holding opposing views on a subject are equally likely to think graphs suck. Fuck ‘em.

The people making these decisions are not dumb. They are smart. They know what they are doing. chaos.

Why didn’t they just include the actual character that was an open lesbian in the comics? Karma had cool powers, was Vietnamese, female and lesbian, it makes no sense that they’d leave her out and just make two other characters lesbian instead, having the original character would’ve been better. This reeks of a

“It’s been five years, that was almost two whole phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ago, can’t you just get over it?”

Good Lord, the poor little guy must be terrified.

There is an old Communist joke. “We will sell the capitalists the very rope we use to hang them.” This is almost exactly what we do with China. When the corporations sided with the GOP in the 80s the US Christians were relieved. They thought they had an ally for God, Family, and Country. So relieved they never


I don’t know why everyone is so upset about footage of an event that clearly didn’t happen. 

Fuck the CCP

And bracketed him with Jesse Ventura and Alex Trebec, two of the finest MiBs in television history.

This. Our military isn’t profitable and spends over 700 billion a year.