Donald Trump is a WHITE SUPREMACISTS. If you support him or exuse him, you are a RACIST. No more excuses for anyone. Now lets see how many white people are brave enough to share THIS.
Donald Trump is a WHITE SUPREMACISTS. If you support him or exuse him, you are a RACIST. No more excuses for anyone. Now lets see how many white people are brave enough to share THIS.
Donald Trump is a WHITE SUPREMACISTS. If you support him or exuse him, you are a RACIST. No more excuses for anyone. Now lets see how many white people are brave enough to share THIS.
I just don’t know anymore. Wow.
It’s always a republican to point that out, without relevance. Usually its the same people who bitch about vegans talking about veganism way more than I’ve ever heard anyone acutally talks about being vegan.
They’ll leave the ICE on for ya.
Fuckin A
That’s not whats at dispute. Or about.
This isn’t a hate crime for the same reason vandalizing a statue of Leif Ericksonisn isn’t a crime. I know that we as white people love to equate white prejudices amoungst other white people (which almost seems comical to bring up in 2017) with actual racism, but that’s just a trick to get more white people angry over…
He almost made me hate “The Wire”.
Is that a fecal matter smearing on his lawn chair? Is he eschewing wiping to stave off ass wrinkles?
Its not just the sponsored. If you’re a sales rep or a truck driver for Pepsi, and your boss sees you with a Sundrop or a Mr Pibb bottle in the back of your truck, you might get shit-canned.
Lighten up, Francis.
In my head I pictured you living by a prison and 2 dudes banging super loud in your shed or something.
The same thing happened across the country in the weeks after 9/11. Humans a scum.
They should both watch more tape of the guy in the ring on how to cut a promo. Kurt Angle is as great a stick man as he was an amateur wrestler.
Mel Gibson is more of a maverick
The city doesn’t want to get sued for KJ and crew kicking the shit out of him, so it’s in their to make it stick. Otherwise they kicked the shit out of an innocent person.
The least plausible thing you’ll hear after the NBA finals.
I hope Joe Pa is in hell having his molestation covered up.
Intent to sell? Please. Clearly for personal use. I bet his plane ticket cost more than the total value of his stash of go-pills.