TheLOUDMUSIC- Put it in H!

We should fix that.

I wonder if that’s why Ferrari is having so many fires...

Disregard- double posted.- dammit can a mod unshare this from oppo?

I’ve always suggested either the 10 year waranty Korean twins or Mitsubishi. I’m a terrible person for it, but you can’t argue with a 10 year 100k powertrain waranty.

It’s still very possible she was on stimulants at the time, so speed may be a factor.

Eh, I spent $15 on a set of 4001s. They’re great for the price.

I’m somewhat surprised they didn’t go with Amon Amarth. Viking metal and all, you know.

These gears don’t work.

This just doesn’t work.

Very true, but I’m only counting new cars for the sake of simplicity. And as far as self driving goes, I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

Not anymore, considering the TDi isn’t sold in the US.
That, and it doesn’t have the whole self driving thing figured out.

i3 Alpha+ an 8 gig kit is exactly what I did. Makes a great desktop as well, considering I’ve used the Alpha UI like twice.

I rode my bike instead of driving to save money for getting my project car legal. How is cycling not jalop?

1 out of 31, actually.

Pretty great, because if it’s 1985 that means my truck possibly being built today.

I heart my bike

Edit:Nevermind, I’ve seen that it’s been said.

Not the greatest example, but these would look great.