

Honda has confirmed this will

Can you guys rerun articles like this more often? Like every day run a “Jalopnik archives” article that’s truly interesting? Even if I read it years ago I’ve forgotten and outs a curious look back.

Have you driven an F30? An E90 is one of the best and she’s not a jalop that wants a 25 year old E30.

That’s not being debated, but as parents always tell their small children “two wrongs don’t make a right”......

Amen to that. You should see the 60 minutes specials on “drive by lawsuits” by ambulance chasers for minor american disabilities acts infractions not to help anyone but to get rich and gum up the system. I’m all for capitalism 100%, but this is sickening and hard working proprietors are getting screwed by these

This country’s lawsuit, “it doesn’t say I can’t” bull shit is why we have so many damn blood sucking lawyers. If people would just be decent human beings we wouldn’t need such god awful, needlessly complex contracts and the courts involved for everything. It’s just sickening. Like these horrible judgements that do

This country’s lawsuit, “it doesn’t say I can’t” bull shit is why we have so many damn blood sucking lawyers. If people would just be decent human beings we wouldn’t need so god awful complex contracts and the courts involved for everything. It’s just sickening. Like these horrible judgements that do nothing but pass

Here’s another from Audi:

Most German marques publish how long overboost will function and say explicitly that it does not impact peak horsepower, only peak torque

The Germans are famous for under rating their engines. Hell my 335is N54T is listed at 320bhp WITHOUT overboost, but puts down 300hp at the wheels where the regular 300bhp 335i puts down shy of 260hp. Additionally, most German marques overboost functionality is power under the curve, so by 5250rpm the torque is dialed

Let the frustrating slowing of traffic continue!

For the price of the space if needed, it cannot be beat and it’s the worst “worst choice” possible.

And here in Michigan you don’t see them a ton. Weirdly I never got the turn signal thing as I never once noticed that here.... then again our 3-series buyers are one of two groups mostly. True enthusiast or badge whores for the lease special.

Ehhh I wouldn’t say the 3-series is THAT common. Depends what country you’re in. In Germany yes there are tons of them in 1.6 liter diesel spec, but in any other country there are Peugeot’s or Fiat’s or whatever the home country makes in far more volume.

Even as an owner I agree (okay, lessee). Then again I have a fun car that isn’t so staid.

I admit I was always partial to 🎼 no one sleep in Tokyo 🎼

Yes but for any injury directly attributed to the accident the auto insurance is the primary coverage. We also had this confirmed by our benefits manager. It’s not all or nothing, but the potential liability is still unbelievably massive.

Sine the early 90's......

Does a car with a feature count? I mourn hydraulic steering BMW’s