Dear GM,
Dear GM,
Had multiple Nissan rentals recently, can 100% corroborate this.
You are talking about race results today, I am talking about keeping manufacturers racing at all. Investment in ICE is dead at the OE and Tier 1 level, if you want continuing advancement this is the answer.
Why is this so hard for racing bodies to understand, especially the ACO/FIA? The 24 hour race was started to prove what a car could do, so why is it so hard to see the massive appeal of an all electric class? Want to get manufacturer interest? Make the top class an effectively unlimited all electric class. Want to see…
When are the ACO and FIA going to wake up and realize all automakers need is an electric endurance series as that is where all their investment is going.
Seatbelt person here! Those tugs you are feeling actually a motorized seatbelt retractor. It’s unfortunate to hear it scared you. The point is actually to minimize the amount of tension you feel normally by using the motor to take up slack. It has other major benefits as well though, unfortunately, you won’t see them d…
This is actually purely practical. The star hides the radar for the vehicle. You either get the radar star or the illuminated. That said, you would think Zee Germans would find a way to make the two work together, but the radar emblem supplier probably quoted some justifiably obscene price to make the sparkly radar…
My guess is either it’s an EU pedestrian safety requirement for front overhang (i.e. room for bumper compression from lower leg impact) or crash structure updates for small offset barrier testing. Note, while Acura does not sell their NA specific vehicles in Western Europe, Honda does apply global best practices…
Did they actually misspell artifact?
One item of note, over the last 3 times this has happened the S&P went up 13% before the recession and on average (I know 3 is not a large data set) it took an average of 22 months for the recession to occur.
I use Goldman Sachs Marcus account, though there are others such as Ally, Citi Bank, and others offer similar rates. The top is actually now 20 basis points above GS so I might have to look into switching. Note, my current rate is 2.15% (just dropped from 2.25%). While below historical inflation this is still above…
0.02% SWPPX S&P 500 fund, just keep buying. I don’t need it any time soon and as you said you can’t time the down turn. Split it between high interest savings account (mine pays more than most treasuries) and I’m fine with my portfolio “tanking”. It’s not a loss until I sell. I cannot wait to buy commercial real…
What engine did they use for the audio dub? I distinctly remember the dub track these had.
Do you mean build different cars for different markets? Or they could have one global standard?
Do NOT get me started on the idiocy that is the out of position and unbelted requirements for FMVSS. We design vehicles that are suboptimal for injury risk in certain conditions in order to better protect fools who do not wear their seatbelts. If they don’t want to wear their seatbelts, fine. What is insane is that…
This is so Japanese it kills me. Haven’t spent tons of time over there, but it so utterly fits. It always seemed to me the ethos of power in Japan is wanting to be seen not being seen... It doesn’t make sense in a sentence, but this is a perfect example.
Cheaper to produce, yes, but not to design, validate, homologate, etc. etc. You have a VERY large sunk capital cost for all variations of technology in a vehicle, and it can be as simple as this country wants you test this spec with this acceleration over this distance and this country wants it another way. We’re…
As the target current/near future market for this car (higher earning millennial who has NEVER considered a Corvette and loathes GM after many personal experiences but who now badly wants the C8), I can 100% say you are spot on. It may not be earth shattering in terms of overall “mobility,” but in terms of the niche…
I believe you mean his driveway... and yard... and porch...
Is it just me or does this look like something you’d hijack in GTA5?