I cried like I lost a family member
I cried like I lost a family member
I was numb last night when I heard the news, but this morning I’ve just been a puddle of tears. The strength of this man to do what he did the last few years of his life to represent and inspire Black people and children, especially. In his actions, he truly was here rooting for all the Black people.
The living weren’t done with you yet.
Interesting that the Intercept is now running this story (written by a GG protege who, in initially stanning for this guy, tried to cover his ass by saying he hadn’t ‘looked into’ the story much). I wonder what tack GG will take to avoid admitting to being a misogynist fuckup? Double down about cancel culture? Pretend…
Glenn Greenwald has been repping him hard on his twitter feed.
Seventeen. I look forward to the press pulling him and his entire family under a microscope. I want to hear about every detention he ever got and every speeding ticket his parents ever got. Give them the same treatment Tamir Rice and his family got.
She’s modeling the camp guard uniform for the next four years if Der Drumpenfuhrer wins in November.
Oh look, the Intercept is now pretending to be critical of this dude.
I’m in Michigan, specifically Metro Detroit. I am still 100% convinced that Trump will win Michigan. There is a large, mostly silent, contingent of affluent white folks who “don’t want their kids to grow up in a world with less rights”. They are all voting Trump.
This was great to watch, and ALSO a smart political move. One of the biggest swipes the Right takes at Joe Biden is what appear to be “senior moments” where he stammers or stumbles over words that are likely borne of his stutter. Having Brayden speak addresses this head-on and acts as a reminder that when Fox News and…
He might have not intentionally used it in this instance, but he absolutely used it enough times that his Iphone autocorrects to it.
Just did it on mine and it literally auto-corrects to Nuggets.
Ever seen a man ruin they own life...?
I would be more disappointed about this if I hadn’t installed it shortly after it was added to Game Pass and then bounced hard off the game. I remember enjoying the first Red Dead Redemption for the most part but boy did this game not click for me.
Paid for a brand new copy at launch. And one day, I might finish it.
This reminds me of Persona 5 being on Psnow for 3 months. No way i can get through a game of that size in that short amount of time.
I mean with The University Of North Carolina’s stunt today can we just admit that these university’s are nothing but minor league sports franchises. I mean the Chancellor of UNC said it was too dangerous to have in person classes but hey you football and soccer players need to stay here so you can help mitigate the…
I’m sorry, but we are out here worrying about PLAYING GAMES in 2020!? Buy a damn Nintendo Switch, and Play Animal Crossing or whatever you want on your PS4, but worrying about if actual people can go play sports right now is the tiniest thing on the totem pole of shit that needs to normalize in 2020 and beyond.
Wait... what are these crown things of which you speak? (I’ve only got one from the season rewards lol)
Also...White woman stabs a black woman and just walks away using her white privilege. ARREST HER FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER!
“...the first Black woman to represent Missouri in Congress.” Amazing grace. Congrats Cori Bush!!