*making the argument
*making the argument
Bernie Sanders has close to 100% name recognition. When is the point that people stop blaming “low information voters” and acknowledge that maybe Bernie is failing to appeal to the larger electorate?
I love Skyrim and it never made me want to become a cat who’s an expert at pickpocketing and lockpicking. Or fight dragons. Or traipse through dungeons to fight skeletons and search for treasure.
First they wrung their hands over Mortal Kombat, and since Columbine they have blamed video games as one of the roots for violent white males behavior. Anything to avoid the real reasons why white men are more likely to gun down crowds of people.
It’s unlikely that these young murderers watched Fox News, but it’s worth mentioning that the shit that radicalizes these murderers eventually ends up on Fox News. It starts on r/The_Donald and/or the chans, trickles down to blogs and social media and then is shit out on Fox News. It’s the Human Centipede of white…
Forget gun reform, the GOP doesn’t even bother to increase access to mental health care and that’s their favorite excuse when a white guy shoots a bunch of people.
“The AR stands for Armalite rifle not assault rile.”
I mean, sure, fuck those of us who didn’t vote for Trump, are unable to vote or are children.
Most non-white voters figured out that Trump was worse than Clinton, weird how that happened. It seems like it was only people like you who didn’t realize Trump was a disaster and refused to listen to people who knew what he was all about.
That guy sounds white and wealthy enough to weather 8 years of Trump.
My theory is that he’s going all-in on the racism to distract from the Mueller testimony
You’ve got Jim Bob from nowhere who might not truly know better about racism or their own interests
The person who is currently president is racist. Now it’s time for the media, the mainstream media on down to so-called progressive blogs, to call his base, white folks from all income, education and age brackets, racist.
Yes, and his base is just as petty. Patiently explaining to them how the GOP has gutted unions and about the evils of neoliberalism isn’t going to make them stop voting for Trump and to hurt PoC.
If they think it’s bad now, just wait until they’re working under Josh Hawley’s GOP.
“I’m a 71-year-old woman who lives in Raleigh,” Goodman said on camera. “I suffer from tremendous anxiety.” She went on to tell Krueger that her anxiety and the women’s behavior pushed her into using the slur.
The false idea that Missouri is any kind of swing state should have gone out the window after we went red for the last five elections. Obama losing by a slim margin in 2008 is the exception, not the rule.
Thank you!
The people who want him to cut immigration and attack liberals don’t care if he’s enriching himself or the corporate class as long as the people they want harmed are harmed. It’s emotional.
Y’all think that a less moderate Democrat would have won Missouri? In most rural counties, the ceiling for Dems is about 40% of the vote, some magical Progressive isn’t going to change that. Hell, Claire would have lost in 2012 if her opponent wasn’t a complete idiot (which makes me wonder if Akins could win in a…