(Someone even filed an unfair labor practice complaint, though such complaints can be filed by anyone, even if they’re not connected to the actual dispute.)
(Someone even filed an unfair labor practice complaint, though such complaints can be filed by anyone, even if they’re not connected to the actual dispute.)
they probably vote Republican but call themselves Democrat socially, who knows
Kim Kardashian yawning gif
Just the board rooms? It’s not like NYC hasn’t had its share of infamous racist incidents.
Maybe a few, but the Dems haven’t won a majority of white voters for decades and they’re unlikely to start now. White people would rather live in a cardboard box before being in a coalition with Black and other non-white voters.
Now, everyone can name his last five albums. But will this help him actually win?
This is going to get so much worse. Can you imagine a white supremacist demagogue who wasn’t a total brain addled idiot? His approval rating among Republicans would probably reach 98%.
Political sense or not, the fact that Trump seems so happy with the aftermath of his racist attack should tell you all you need to know about what he really values, and what we can likely expect from him in the days, weeks, and months to come.
It’s like right-wingers suddenly care about CNN and haven’t been calling CNN the Socialist or Clinton News Network for 30 years.
Too many so-called Progressives believe that if the Dems were more to the left and shut up about identity politics, the Dems would win over Deplorables. Those people aren’t called out enough.
Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble.
The same FDR who sold out Black folks for the support of Southern Democrats, participated in persecuting gay men and put Japanese people in internment camps. Somehow FDR looking the other way while a wing of his party advocated for violent segregation and lynching is better than Nancy fucking Pelosi.
Trump is the president, his Tweets should be viewable whether he’s blocked someone or not. There’s a difference between being blocked by Glenn Greenwald or Scott Baio, Trump uses his horrible Twitter account to announce odious policy. I don’t know why Twitter hasn’t done anything about it.
I thought I read somewhere that the estranged son got in contact with her after HBO aired her and Anderson’s documentary, but I guess it didn’t work out.
I think Ms. Vanderbilt was close to the son who got the penthouse, it’s just that she and Anderson had a special bond due to the untimely loses of his dad and brother. I can see why that kind of tragedy would make them feel like it was them against the world.
Surely the patriots won’t care about this, they already claimed they were going to stop buying Nike apparel after Kaep became a spokesman.
I think the Splinter/Rose Twitter/Jacobin Left underestimate how many people he and, especially, his supporters have alienated. If we can talk about how people think Biden, Harris and Beto suck, we can examine Bernie’s shortcomings.
Unfortunately there are white Millennials and Gen Zers who are ready to replace middle age and elderly voters.
Stephen Miller is Jewish and that hasn’t stopped him from fully embracing white supremacy. Who’s to say some white identified and passing Latinx won’t do the same.
I don’t care for creating or building things in video games and I’m horrible at platformers, this would be a wait until it’s on sale if Nintendo ever dropped the prices of their games under $40.