thelongtimelurker Brett Favre allowing Michael Strahan his record-breaking sack...



Live look at Drew Magary:


The closeup on his face; he’s somewhere else for sure


Yep! You’re actually the first person to get that in however many years I’ve had this account. Well done.

That movie scared/scares the shit out of me.


Is the Deadspin HOF going to get rolled into the Deadspin Awards somehow? If not, were there ever be Deadspin HOF ‘15 winners announced?

Outstanding work.

Just want to say that, whatever else happens, I’ve really enjoyed reading Deadspin over the years and you guys have been great.

Just got done reading the actual article, I freaking love the intimacy of the comments section:

This is a great comment, well done.

Excellent list idea.

Had to look up what you’re referencing; was NOT disappointed.

This would make for a great Twilight Zone episode: a man is granted a wish to become Tom Brady, only to horrifically learn he can never eat real food again.

Who are the non-Arsenal supporting EPL fans on your staff and what are their teams?