miniandfiST, now with added FoRS

That said, in a performance car, 52/48 will make a difference. Also, you have consider inertia and mass when entering turns at high speed. The further out the mass of an engine is to the front of a car will effect the cars ability to change directions to it’s current state even if it is technically between axles.

Hydrogen fuel cells face the same problem, they need raw minerals as well, most notably platinum, cobalt and neodymium. Additionally, a FC-powered car may also need lithium buffer batteries(approx the size of hybrid batteries), because fuel cells tend to be a bit sluggish in unsteady loads.

Come on jalops, we have a real opportunity to peddle some quality bullshit and all these read the article comments are ruining it.

People of F1, this dilemma has already been solved, make the main portion of the screen square so that it does not distort. As solved in 1973


i don’t mind other people’s car color choices as long as it is not any shade of green

When two cars collide and get covered in slime...

That’s putting aside the idiocy of using electricity to convert water into hydrogen to store it and transport it under pressure just so you can convert it back to electricity.

Just love when people vandalize good new vehicles as a means to show their “genuine” struggle as they are so poor with government assistance in many forms funded by taxing businesses including car companies. If they want to be fair, gotta go after a few Apple and Coach stores.

They suck. No, they actually suck.

This station is after the incident.... He is correctly showing green for what’s happening beyond that point untill the call was made for double yellow and then subsequently red. I hope this doesnt tarnish your PHD in flagging.

The owner’s son will take over team operations.

Well sure, like I said nobody was going to die, but danger has levels to it like anything else. It’s also about setting precedent and sticking to strict no intentional contact rules. If you let this slide, then it’s potentially harder to enforce in situations where more is at stake.

The Original Blinker Fluid! Accept no substitutes.

Reckon this is the only way the government has of forcing you to change your behaviour to be more in line with what they want. Welcome to the Machine.

Yep. You pretty much nailed it. Tax the vehicle owners and drivers to cover the costs of public transportation and suddenly, public transportation appears to be cheaper! Smoke and mirrors...

Except this isnt about making public transportation better. Its about making the 1st choice of people worse. If any of this actually made public transportation better, then it wouldnt be so fucking dumb. But its just about making the alternative worse while changing nothing about the public transportation quality.

When I was a kid, back in the David E. Davis pimpin’ BMW 2002's days, BMWs were small, smart cars. Where American cars were huge monsters with power everything and float-boat suspensions and giant complicated engine bays filled with power-sapping accessories, BMWs were “Drivers cars”- small, simple, everything you

The clearest piece of evidence was how close the third place car came to hitting Vettel.

I’m with you, meagerbeaker. If only they had a way to slow down their cars so they could make that turn...