miniandfiST, now with added FoRS

Do I like the idea of HOAs - No. Do I think they should be whining about “moderate body damage” - no, because it clearly isn’t “moderately” damaged. Do I think that is patina? No. Quite apart from the whole “patina” thing being just another fad, this truck doesn’t cut it. It just looks like the owner started sanding

If you get anything with JEEP on it you’ll end up not wanting to daily it in winter.  that Nissan looks just the job.

Doubt it; people buying sports sedans are generally after the cachet as much as the performance, so saving money is much less important than the bragging rights of the badge - and Kia doesn’t have a much in the way of bragging rights...

The window height/door height ratio is off; maybe it’s side impact requirements or something, but it looks like a tank.

Funny how EV cars are still using the styling cues developed with IC engines. That looks like it should have a small turbo I4 mounted midships. Al it lacks is an air intake in the front. Shouldn’t the EV package allow a different style?

“an all-electric hyper”

Should be called the Gelding. Looks like a Mustang, goes as fast as a Mustang but doesn’t have the balls....

From the side it’s getting hard to tell.  Add a cover between front wheel surrounds and the body which covers the front suspension and it gets even closer.

Thanks for the report. That’s another F1 Race I won’t be bothering to watch the highlights of on freeview. Next year F1 is payview only here, and there’s no way in hell I’ll be paying to watch the sort of races we’ve seen so far this year.

It’s considered open wheel racing by those who are desperate for F-E to be seen in the same light as F-1.  To the rest of us the wheels are covered....

Fine, until there’s a tailback and everytime the right lane moves forward a bit faster than the left lane the machine squawks at you.  Fix that and I’m all for it.

Because that’s where Wall Street and investors seem to think they’ll make a fortune and are thus punishing auto makers who don’t keep their shoulders to the electric wheel

Front engined, made to look like a mid engined rally version.  CP at any price.

Yep, the more cars finish, the higher the points awarded at the front.

Why restrict it to electric? It would look even better with an ICE or at least PHEV power.    Not even sure why electric vehicles still have a hood at all.

Less ugly than a prius, though the rear threequarter panel is a bit of a mess. Still it’s a prototype. For a city car it seems quite good, purposeful rather than overstyled.

unless you needed the power to get to work in the morning....

Only to ensure the steering wheel remains pointing straight ahead when the wheels are pointing straight ahead. The toe in/out is adjusted on the cross link between the wheels. That said, welding up suspension parts is a real bodge.

There’s a lot more to it than that. The EU doesn’t just dictate immigration from the EU, it reaches into most areas of governance in the UK. and the free movement of people is just a symptom of that invasive behaviour. It’s fairly clear that the EU wants to develop a sort of United States of Europe with the EU as the

This - and doors long enough for the back seat passengers to get in and out of reasonably would be so long the front seat occupants would struggle.