miniandfiST, now with added FoRS

It makes me think of an off the wall design for a computer mouse.

A van is anything sold with the intention of carrying inanimate cargo and having a single row of seats at the front. I’d also specify a closed rear cargo area and no side windows.

They’re all MPVs, just different sizes. You missed the Volkeswagen/Seat/Ford Sharahambralaxy. With all but the front seats out they were massive inside.

“The weather was pristine,”


looks like the drone was below the level of the top of the taller apartment blocks, so that gives some clue to the height.

Well of course it is, but big oil and big auto are hiding it from the world to make Tesla look bad......

It also reeks of knowing there’s no way Tesla is going to be profitable in the near future.

If 85% of car buying decisions are already made by women, it seems that either the ads are just fine, or the women take no notice of the ads anyway.

And then find somewhere to charge it.

And the ones fitted there look like spot lights not fog lights.

Not sure whether the standard of living that would allow would be much higher than subsistance...

Well yeah, if big corporate did that they could have keept the factories in the USA, and the Mexicans could have stuck to farming or something.....

How is this cool at all?

Are you high?

So it’s the women who are responsible for the rise of the SUV/CUV?

Anything is possible given sufficient resources, but charging that many cars will never be anything less than inconvenient and may be fraught with aggravation, especially for thos trying to find an onstreet charger. I forgot to mention the dangers of vandals as well, still, no doubt by then a fix will have been found

Ok, yes the local authorities own the streetlamps and every lamp could have a charger built in, assuming the wiring was upgraded to take the current. However - if each streetlamp had two sockets, that’s two cables to stretch to cars, more, (and longer) if more sockets are provided. Some streetlights are kerbside and

Not enough lamps to cover the number of cars parked in our road - and the houses all have short drives. Then there’s the trip hazzard of cables everywhere, and teh fights over who gets the charge points and the kids switching them off and the occasional power outage leaving everyone without the power to get to

You suggest Clark used the sequential gearbox in it when he owned it - yet it’s only done 4 miles.  Guess he didn’t like the gearbox much.....