Would buy at that price all fixed and with the V8 - otherwise not in this world or even the next.
Would buy at that price all fixed and with the V8 - otherwise not in this world or even the next.
So does the Guardian and Buzzfeed. That said, calling them extremist make Musk look silly.
To see what screw up or other actually makes a race exciting....
I like the disembodied spoiler....
So you think Ubers CEO was talking about the cars in testing, whilst I think he was talking about the cars actually in use on the highways. My original reply was to Marshknute, who was comparing self driving cars to human drivers. He made no mention of testing. I think we’ll have to agree to differ.
You can’t be bothered to write it down and I can’t be bothered to listen to your wittering.
So which existing manufacturer makes self driving cars then?
Geez, these are NASCAR drivers, and you’re expecting original content? If they say anything actually interesting, someone somewhere will see it as controversial and stir up a shitstorm. No wonder they parrot the banalities.
It’s about existing autonomous technology - so called self driving cars - but not one of them can be left alone to drive itself, they all have to have human minders. Tesla are the same as the rest.
Oh look, tyre smoke...Yay.....
None of them are yet.
A tesla follows the wrong edge line because it’s newer and brighter - even the worst student driver can do better than that - so no they aren’t better than student drivers.
Legally Tesla is in the clear, morally they should be permanently disconnecting every “autopilot” they ever made.
It appears to have been following the right hand white line of the off ramp instead of the left hand white line of the main carriageway (because the first line was brighter), which meant that it was headed straight for the divider whilst thinking it was still on the main carriageway
Agreed, but if you really want the races to be decided on the speed and handling of he cars and the ability of the drivers, you’re going to have to change a load more things...
10 seconds - even 5 seconds would probably be enough.
“It’s a failure of a completely needless technology that clearly isn’t robust enough in its algorithm to account for off-nominal scenarios.”
So it followed the stronger white line - any system that relies on white lines which may or may not be in good condition is worse than useless. Doubly so if it can’t avoid a metal central divider cushion either.
Water only reaching the bottom of the chassis? so didn’t get inside the car or the engine or the fuel tank? Why is it written off at all?