miniandfiST, now with added FoRS

Anything that involves women, or men, wearing unnecessarily skimpy clothing and/or parading round looking pretty is using their attractiveness for making money for someone in some way or another. That includes cheerleading. In the specific case of Grid girls/boys the whole idea of someone having to stand in front of

Ahh, the usual early adopters trying to justify their purchases versus the rest. Look, you like the idea of EV, we get it, but even you should be able to accept that a love of new tech was the deciding factor, not convenience.

If you’re prepared to strip and junk one of the Grand Wagoneers, then yes you should.

I doubt they show most of their days, slow or fast. All you get is the ones they think make good tv. Same with the Salvage Hunter series in the UK.

Agreed the Fieros are two of the few cars worth saving, but you hit the nail on the head with the problem of transport and associated cost.

Few of them are collectables anyway. Add transport costs and he’d have to give them away to get most of them away to enthusiasts, never mind anyone with an ounce of business sense.

You just about described the problem with Rogue One. It was an episodic first person shooter turned into a film. One wonders if the game play came first..

Also useful to have in your pocket when you go into service areas.

The only train requiring travelsickness medication....

Even better would be for Ford to make a load more and stop the “limited edition for the movers and shakers” crap.

Meh - who cares. A clever logo won’t make the racing any more exciting. Anyway it’s the wrong colour - should be silver and metalic turquoise to match the car likely to win next year - and the year after - and so on - and on - - -

Angry Birds - the quail fight back edition.

If you don’t like driving it, part it out and put it out of its misery.

Snowflake soft....

When it’s a right wing politician in the frame.....

Just waiting for mine to go. Maybe I’ll be lucky.

Not even vaguely funny....

Black dash and dark grey interior for me. Guess it depends what’s in the options list. That said, for that money they should be prepared to put in whatever dash material you want.

Stuff that dash reflection! Might be better wearing polarised glasses but what the hell.