This new attack talking point seems destined to fail and do the opposite, with more women turning to Warren because they remember it happening to them as well.
This new attack talking point seems destined to fail and do the opposite, with more women turning to Warren because they remember it happening to them as well.
The backhand comments give it away. I was not explicitly fired for being pregnant; however, I was beginning to show around the time of annual bonus. I was explicitly told for months I would get a bonus and it was always understood to be a large part of compensation (law firm). The owner of the firm kept putting off my…
No, thank you- and Kelly!
Excellent video and explanation, Kelly!
Simple Breakdown: Meghan Markle is Biracial and not Lilly white. Certain members of the press and public hate her for that reason. They hate that she a biracial woman married a Prince
I went out and got my license to carry for this exact reason. The fear mongering is unreal. Like you there was about 15 of us who showed up at the range. White people were shook. One had the nerve to ask why we were there. Lol. Funny thing is that it was hosted by a black officer from Houston and a black State…
Well, he says Civil War Part Duece.
Suck a wet fart, you sickly-orange-colored piece of fisher cat vomit. You soft ass daughter-fucker, impotently attempting to fill the bottemless chasm in his greedy, saggy gut.
Well, I think the fact that they openly call people who support Thunberg “Gretards” pretty much spells out your argument, no?
On Fox News on Monday night, Michael Knowles, a conservative troll and Daily Wire podcast host, described Thunberg as a “mentally ill Swedish child” who is “being exploited by her parents and by the international left.” Then there’s John Nolte of Breitbart, who calls supporters of Thunberg “Gretards” and recently muse…
Indeed. That baby was born under a great deal or duress and stress and deserved a lot better.
“I was walking by pushing a vacuum and she walked out right in front of me,” a third-year student, Zach Lassen, told the paper.
My partner is Sicilian, and comes from a very misogynistic, very ‘old-school’ Italian family, complete with mafia connections (his grandfather was a fascist and a member of the Sicilian mafia). They’re so Sicilian that if you call them Italian, they correct you.
When they catch the little bastards who did this, they should make them clean it up and repair the damage they did.
This is awful. Is there a place to donate for clean up and repairs?
Embarrassment, lack of insurance, unable to get a referral to a dermatologist, being told that there’s nothing to be done by a GP.
Because insurance companies are assholes.
You do know lesbians can also be moms, right?
is that really the dilemma though ...? Most of us don’t get to choose between working and non-working. We choose between working job A, and working job B. If she stops playing soccer, I doubt the back-up is being a stay-at-home mom.