In my fantasy, NK abducts Jared and Ivanka and holds them hostage for a few years. In the Otto Warmbier Suite.
In my fantasy, NK abducts Jared and Ivanka and holds them hostage for a few years. In the Otto Warmbier Suite.
This is certainly an opinion shared by many others. If it were the case, I’d like to say I’d be sympathetic, but...nope. I’m just waiting for him to shit his pants in front of the world.
She’s basically Josef Mengele.
Like pretty much everything with this administration, this has become a cluster fuck for no other reason than Trump.
WHEN this finally happens, I hope Trump lives to see it. I hope to whatever powerful being in the universe that may exist that Trump lives to see a BLACK WOMAN on the face of our money.
Meanwhile a White man can stand in front of a school with an assault rifle, White teachers can call the cops on a student dribbling a basketball, a White girl can wear a rifle in her class pictures, school staff are being encouraged to carry guns in school, but a Black woman whom has actual concerns and is addressing…
Straight up: I went to the front door of my son’s bully’s house and read his fat ass and his cross-eyed cousin true facts plus threatened to press charges. Yes they were only eight BUT they broke skin on my child and that could. not. stand.
She may not be the mom they want,but she is definitely the mom they need.
BURN IT TO THE GROUND. Fuck all of these people.
Obviously she is carrying the second coming of Jesus. As such, I would suggest the Christians in Alabama release her before hell rains down on all your asses.
It is a common problem for anyone with an above average IQ.
Although I hate to reference this, I’m reminded of an episode of The Cosby Show when Cliff is dreaming that all the men are pregnant because of something in the water (or something like that). They’re, as expected, miserable. I wish for events like that all the time.
I wish the aliens from xenomorph were real so that we could impregnate every single person against safe legal abortion with the alien baby and make them carry that shit to term till it tears out their fucking chests.
“You’re being disingenuous because you know a MAGA hat is just a hat like a Klan hood is just a pillowcase with eyes holes.”
I was having a discussion with a Canadian (white guy of course) about the MAGA hat kid in DC and he kept coming back to “It’s just a hat, it doesn’t mean anything.” and eventually I just got tired of it and said “You’re being disingenuous because you know a MAGA hat is just a hat like a Klan hood is just a pillowcase…