Seeing it gave me tingles. I also love carefree black girl Jay Z. “You’re welcome.”
Seeing it gave me tingles. I also love carefree black girl Jay Z. “You’re welcome.”
That young lady has so many rooting for her and Black support. Dealing with flagrant caucasity and utter disrespect - she perseveres.
Would it he coming out of your eyes, or wherever? :P
The Meghan portrait is this generation’s version of grandma’s Martin Luther King plates hanging in the dining room.
Seeing the Trumps getting all kissipoo at a Thanksgiving table would make me lose my cranberry sauce.
The good news is if they fire her now after all this press, she’s and whatever lawyer gets the case are going to make bank.
People keep saying that Mueller is going to get around to nailing this slewfoot bastard...any day now...any day.
This reminds me of an old joke:
When I was kid my mom would take us to store and she’d only speak to us in Portuguese because she wanted us to learn it. One time at the register of a supermarket a white lady made a comment to her friend to the effect of ‘I wish these people would just learn English or stay where they came from.’ To which my mom…
It’s still crazy to me that Buzzfeed is breaking big political stories.
Kathi Alizadeh had worked for the St. Louis County Prosecutor’s office since 1988, and she made $135,000 per year. She told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that Bell gave her a two-page letter explaining the reasons for her termination. She also said that she would be speaking with an attorney.
This is great. Not only do these changes help keep poor black people from being funneled into the prison system and the scam that is cash bail, but it also helps save the county money because they’re spending less resources prosecuting petty ass crimes.
I’m four years old than him, and from now on any time I worry about my fine lines, I’m going to remind my self Stephen Miller is out there, looking fifty-ish.
Lookin like this at 33 is what he gets for being a racist piece of shit : )
I googled Miller’s age and I’m still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. Any time I feel conflicted about my crows’ feet I will remember that I am older than Stephen Miller and Sarah Huckabee Sanders but they could pass for my judgmental, bigoted parents.
1. Fuck Mike Huckabee
Actually, Black people were told to make their own and then when it happens there are complaints as though there are such a plethora of Black movies around. But don’t let that get in the way of you shitting on the very comments section you’re commenting in.