
Their own version of fragile masculinity.

Yup, this is a sign that the umpires need to be removed and replaced with fair unbiased and thick skinned referees.

But it’s unfathomable to think of referees boycotting, say, LeBron James’ games over a testy exchange.

“Immortal ranks” ???

And wtf is with that face he’s making? Is that his attempt to look cool? I’m stunned he’s not making the sign of the horns and sticking his tongue out.

To Who it May Concern,

As a vegan I hate PETA. From this grotesque lack of decorum to encouraging vegans and meat eaters to boycott Impossible Burger I am completely convinced they don’t actually want to help animals. 

And black.....

I was going to mention Sage Steeler, but you said talented.

Exactly. How your mom let you use the WiFi is beyond me. Fuck outta here with your trolling bullshit. Go make America great dipshit. 

I’m glad Hill is getting away from ESPN and hope she finds a much better outlet for her talents. That aside, fuck tennis. I love tennis, but seriously fuck those in charge and their sponsors. The history of Serena, the most dominant player we’ve seen, is the history of tennis hoping she’d just go away. I can’t imagine

“Tear that tail up”

Uh, urine does not generally contain DNA. 

You are adult men, not feral, hyper-sexualized children.

> How can I look a black boy in his face and tell him he is nothing?

Part of the reason that many black men and boys feel entitled to treat black woman and girls in this way is because they believe (and see very little in society to contradict that belief,) that no one cares about what happens to black women. Black women need to work hard not to internalize this

  1. There’s two former Mrs Bonespurs who’ve proved that doesn’t work out well.

Melania Trump speaking out against cyberbullying.

Now playing

Farewell Ms. Franklin. You had a wonderful voice that crossed genres and time.

We are honored to be here today at the homecoming of Sister LolaFalanaIsNotHere4ThaBS and when I say “honored” that is NOT to suggest that we are not sad, NO!