
“I got to a point where I wished I could cut off my rolls with scissors,” she says. “I would grab at my thighs and say, ‘Ugh, I hate you, you’re ugly, I don’t like you! Oh my God, I just want to get rid of this!’”

And for fucks’ sake, VOTE! 

Here in Texas we have castle doctrine laws. You’re permitted to use deadly force to protect yourself and your home (to include the porch area outside your door, and also your yard) from imminent damage. Dude was reaching for the door, locked or not, so he’s fair game since she told him to vacate her premises with his

Yeah once someone follows your into your home, jackin’ away - that is a huge red flag of rape. 1000% she should not be charged for any reason. 

I think he was handling his own business.

Yup. On the street, your shit is yours so long as it dont touch me or mine. On my porch? It is officialy on at that point.

While I’m a little iffy on shooting a public masturbater, (that’s a lot of people in SF, or Florida to shoot...) when he started trying to mess with her door it went from “I don’t need to see that shit” to “breaking and entering, attempted rape” for me.

The state of this country right now is the very fact that this is a contender for feel-good story of the year.

“I’m worried that this film will make me look stupid!” - David Duke

It continually boggles my mind that Stephen Miller and Tessa Thompson went to Santa Monica High School at the same time. And that he is two years younger than she is, despite his looking like death warmed over.

White supremacy. He’s a mangled turd of a human, with a dead and rancid corpse of a sewer-rat for a soul. He epitomizes the useless, shit talker, edgelord social group that he was self-exiled to when he realized that no other living human would touch him even to roll his carcass into the ditch.

David Duke shouldn’t worry about the movie making him look dumb. He managed to do that himself a couple of decades ago.

I genuinely wonder sometimes what the hell happened to Miller to make him turn into such an asshole.

There’s a 1/4" drill bit just waiting for his left eyeball

I also suspect he just hates “benefits” generally, because he’s never come close to finding a friend who would give him any...

Something that ought to be noted and discussed, since the media did not bother to cover it. Spike Lee is the first African American Director to win the Grand Prix at Cannes for this film. Thats a pretty big deal...yet no news play of any kind, including the black press. When Kristen Stewart won Best Actress at Cannes,

Caveat: Violence is a shitty answer to any question, and no one should ever be attacked for how they look.

People may think that these officers are just going about their lives

Why are weddings off limits?  Standing in his own backyard minding his own business wasn’t.

Remember, folks: protestors inconveniencing a killer cop who wants a publicly-acknowledged wedding will break our fragile democracy apart...