
She’ll do more time than Brock Turner.

Plus Lindsay has gone blonde and looks great as one!

As much as this woman is full of shit, the real harm seems to be the butthurt of all the people and businesses (in NEW YORK, even—the city of savvy, street smart folks who claim to know better!) that fell for said shit. WhoTF is running the Howard hotel? You let someone rack of $30K because she has an air of

yes - let’s keep rewarding shitty people. that has been working out so well for our society. how about Shonda, Margot and Jennifer say no thanks and let this little thief rot in jail in anonymity where she belongs? Be best.

“The photographer tried to explain: “She’s a grifter,” he said. The man was confused. “So what?” he asked. The photographer tried, again, to explain, adding that she said she was a German heiress.”

People out here really trying to tell me that him giving people PlayStations makes up for his sadism.

Hell, he went so far as to SABOTAGE her fundraiser by claiming that she had exaggerated her injuries. I hope like hell she sues his estate and gets all she can.

But I guess I should never underestimate how much people will go up for a man who proudly treated black women like trash.

Me, when I found out he died, knowing full well how much of disgusting human he was:

Exactly. And if XXXTiddledick was actually truly changing and trying to change. Like so many of you stans in the greys were so concerned about. That girl would not have had to get on go fund me to pay for her eye surgery. He would take that money and pay for it. And pay for her housing and therapy, education and what

They meant rayon 😂😂😂

Word! I wouldn’t think that men would want a pineapple short set but OBVIOUSLY I know nothing.

I feel so out of touch right now. Am I old?

I can’t believe someone mentioned silk and Fashinova in the same sentence.

It reminds me of John and Yoko....but with more attractive people.

Bro, I KNOW. Been married over 20 years. You couldn’t tear me away, no matter how much she infuriates me.

That pic of them reminds me Robin’s and Micheal’s scene from “Waiting to Exhale.”

A coal mine mule in August!

I know relationships are constant work and being monogamous can be hard, especially if you nasty rich like Jay-Z but let me tell you something, if I had Beyonce in the bed with me all like that. I’d be working harder than a coal mine mule in August to make her happy AF.  

I don’t wanna see Jay Z damn near naked!