I’m with you. I’ve got a lot going on today, so it’s hitting me in waves, but I think this one is going to stick with me for a while.
I’m with you. I’ve got a lot going on today, so it’s hitting me in waves, but I think this one is going to stick with me for a while.
Pete Souza’s already gone through his files again —
I hope Eric’s ok. He’s such a darling, gentle soul.
I immediately thought about that episode too, which was one of my very favorites. It came at such a crucial time, and it was like this little beacon of hope. Anthony’s style of interviewing - which was really just a warm, honest, conversation over good food, brought out the best in Obama. He was such a talent, and…
Thank you. I will take the hugs and send some back. I’m crying right now because fuck this world sometimes, man. I hope you’re doing alright too.
This is fucking me up so hard. I loved that guy. He was a big reason why I wanted to go to culinary school. And he sure as shit was right about that life. I didn’t last long but it was fun while I was in it.
I’ve read every one of his books, including the cookbooks — and he always wrote good apologies in his post scripts when he changed his views on something he’d written earlier, which is one reason I think people liked him so much. I loved his work and persona, and this loss really hurts. I feel for his family and loved…
Me too. And yet we have gaping assholes like Trump who’s never done a good fucking thing for or to anyone running around care-free. It would never even occur to that malignant narcissist to kill himself.
Bourdain was an advocate for women. He also used his platform to give a voice to the largely brown and Spanish speaking staff who make up the backbones of our restaurant industry.
You are not a lost cause. You have worth. The world is a better place with you in it.
I am so sad. That fact that Eric was the one that found him makes this doubly devastating.
This is so fucking sad.
I know that many aren’t really fans here, but I loved Anthony Bourdain. I read his book many years ago and related to him so deeply. A person that also struggled with drugs and depression. This makes me really sad.
This is hitting me hard this morning and I’m still trying to come to grips. I’m currently doing the work to try to get a handle on my depression and it’s so fucking hard. And it’s expensive and time consuming and draining! But I’m hoping there is light on the other side. But when I hear about Anthony and Kate Spade,…
I really think that the black folks ‘hard raising’ mindset needs to die. Yes, it’s hard to make kids understand not to do stuff and if they do it anyway, there’s going to be trouble, but this romanticizing of brutal ass-beatings by adults using various items is not a good thing. My ass-whoopings didn’t stop until I…
I tried to have a talk with my neighbor across the street (maybe 17) about the way she communicated with her daughter. The kid is just starting to walk, so I’m thinking 2-ish - she’s YELLED, and I mean yelling, screaming at the top of her lungs like she’s being raped - yelled at the kid since the day she was born. I…
Just wow. I really cannot. I absolutely will not.
Peas in guacamole should be a felony.
And peas in guacamole!
When that day comes, certain elements will be required in the course curriculum to achieve a Ph.D. in Wypipology, including: