
Not petty enough

I’m such a messy shit starter I would not have been as calm.

Hate to break it to you, but it’s not confidence. It’s frantically gripping to the crumbling societal power of maleness and whiteness to smother the screams of their inner child. That voice that grows quieter and quieter, bewildered that they’re not superstars or astronauts or millionaires or the hero of an action

She ran for Judge and is an attorney, meaning she could probably call someone and be like, hey see if this white man has been evading his taxes or doing other shady shit. And if so we runnin up on a ho. And yet you still persist in pissing this person off.

What I remember about him is that he was homeless as a kid and that his teachers found his animated, energetic yet disruptive behavior problematic until one brilliant teacher invited him to perform for the class at the end of each day for 5 minutes to help him focus during academics. It worked. “Problem Children” are

WIC is only for pregnant women and children under five, but I get your point. She’s probably some uneducated, lumpen proletariat that votes against her own interests, lost a union job when the busted up the unions, and chooses to vent her ire on a WOC with babies under the supposition that she’s getting something for

In my years bagging groceries we never had a cashier do anything like this, thank God, but customers behind WIC and EBT users said stuff pretty frequently. Remarks about how long it took to ring them up, “why do they have those kids if they can’t pay for them,” etc.

I bet the odds are very good that cashier also uses WIC to make ends meet and we are seeing an epic case of projection here.

I believe her husband is just looking for attention. Tiffany has been saying this about him waayyy before she wrote a book. Hell, she said it on tv in her comedy special. Now all of a sudden, since she’s this big star & winning, he wants to sue. Dude please, u never had a problem before w/ her saying this. I believe

I’m going to go right ahead and put it out there: I am a firm believer in alcohol only magnifying what’s already in there.

LBJ: C’mon, let’s measure up!

All three of Kate Middleton’s pregnancies were difficult - she had hyperemesis gravidarum with all three of them, and she had to cancel several engagements because of her pregnancy with Prince Louis. There were plenty of news reports about this, and it’s even in her Wikipedia article.

I did S.C.A. heraldry in the ‘80s, and there were certain differences from the real world. And my memory is failing a bit.

Kate had a baby, she pushed an entire new human into this world. She deserves and should take all the time she needs to bond with her baby, rest her body, and relax since she had a very difficult pregnancy. Meghan can take up a few appearances because it is part of the “job,” I am quite sure she understood that when

Appropriate choice of photo.

They are coming for PG County. They are sick of the high prices out in NoVa. They want nice homes close to the city and they are ready to take PG.

They trying to squeeze into Wheaton now. Everyday I see some new labradoodle pulling some gentrifiers down my street.

This feels like a full admittance that he did those things - like, “yep, should have stopped me in my tracks when I was first offending, but you didn’t and now I’m too famous to stop!” I mean, I always believed he had, but he sort of...just said he had?

They can try their comeback but their time is over. Don’t worry Kelly will finally get what’s coming to him which is years overdue. He thinks he’s untouchable this is when people like that fuck up.

HARD disagree.

I am SURE someone has written an exhaustive hyper detailed breakdown of her gown down to which trees the silkworms that made the silk ate, but a quick look at the gown shows a likely un-stretchy duchesse type silk satin (no stretch), a portrait neckline, and with a sleeve length that is AFAIK dictated by