
I straighten my hair, too (so does our last First Lady); that’s a personal choice. I also stay out of the sun, because sun damage and skin cancer aren’t exclusive to white folks.

Should we qualify my blackness now, too?

I entirely agree with you on the Michelle/Doria take. For me, her presence—and what she represents—was the most profound of the day, and while I didn’t delve into it above, I’m wondering if she’ll be forced to uproot her life (for safety’s sake, alone) as Mrs. Obama’s mother chose to do when her son-in-law ascended to

They seem Happy and Harry is obviously smitten with her so I wish them all the best . Sad that she cant have her moment in the sun in peace.

I know you guys are very excited about this momentous occasion, but just *WAIT* until you see the Royal Cookout when yours truly marries into the Royal Family. The first gay interracial royal wedding will be the sight of all sights. I just need Elizabeth to hang on just a little longer, to give her blessing. Meghan

All of this. Honestly this is such a boring ‘argument’ if it can be called that. Who are we fighting lol and why? Let her be great.

Well said Maiysha! I was re-colonized for the day, made a full English breakfast (sans blood pudding because :bleh) and it was accompanied by Fortnam & Mason tea. 😋

Sorry, I think you wrote ‘auteur’ where you meant to write ‘adolescent edgelord’.

I think that’s … more than a little apologist. “Well, he just couldn’t learn how to talk.” Yes, but he has no problem talking over people in quantum theory class. Or political theory class. Or in the boardroom.

I just wanted to chime in on the friend zone thing Preston mentioned. If you complain that a girl put you in the “friend zone”, that’s you thinking life works like a John Hughes movie. Tell a woman you’re interested in her. Don’t hope that she’ll someday realize what a great guy you are. Be direct, and don’t be a

I don’t get the whole “well she didn’t like me” whining. If she doesn’t then find someone who does dumbass. Women aren’t things to own, they aren’t property. You’re not entitled to them. If she doesn’t like you, well guess what, half of the population is female. If you’re a nerd, you should know about math and

“black female nerds shared some of their own. Conclusion: Their male counterparts did not want to date them.”

Soooooooo when are you gonna be full time here? we need you.

Jesus Christ we will have no hope of stoping them from killing black people now.

Won’t do anything about murderous cops, won’t do anything about cops who commit hate crimes but will turn cops into a protected class whilst not protecting people who are actually in protected classes.

Still no legislation prohibiting police from arbitrarily murdering any person of color wildly unfortunate enough cross their path though, right? Okay, cool. God bless America.

The Senate version of the act was introduced by Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND).

What the actual fuck?

Snowflake mofos.

And in one post, you just explained the plot of every Ashley & Jaquavis novel.

There’s something about independent, black films that... When its bad writing involved, it irks the shit out of me.