He has proven his ass-ness by marrying this wretched, haunted corn-husk wrapped around a noxious cloud of evil and Jean Naté. Anything bad that happens to either of them is fine with me.
God wouldn’t have so much Work on his plate if he’d just dial up a few lightning bolts while someone’s got a 7 iron in his hand.
Counter point: Leave this man on the Twitter. He is doing God’s Work.
Those Walking Dead special effects artists just get better and better.
No snark, but I honestly don’t know why this would be shocking. The same culture that teaches men to hate women also teaches women to hate women.
I was hoping for an Indiana Jones “opening the Ark of the Covenant” type ending for him, but your way is fine too.
Forget the few countries that have 14 as the true age of consent.
What those greys are failing to mention is that those countries are often the ones where women have few rights, and are often traded like cattle.
I wasn’t going to say anything but I see the greys are already talking about 14 being the age of consent in other countries. If you really believe this then you are just as sick as this dude. 14 is still a fucking child. Period. His ass needs to be in prison and we need to stop supporting him and stations that still…
I’m a chunky girl - I don’t own or wear clothes that show off my skin because of it, but I feel like this is the year everyone is going to see all my fat because I NEED THIS
I was just thinking that. At what point does his resume of failed attempts to get justice actually serve as a negative?
The minute a black person is shot & killed by police Chump..I mean Crump..sees those $ signs. But he never takes a stand to prevent rogue cops from staying on the job...ambulance chaser.
Thank you, it’s all so tiring isn’t it? Watching yet another distraught Black family have no choice but to entrust the system to find justice for a loved one. Sometimes I think we are the most patriotic people in this freaking country because we just keep pushing, hoping for the right outcome over & over.
If Black people were as violent as white america fantasizes about, there would be slaughtered cops every other day.
It really takes a special kind of asshole to smear children who are protesting for their right not to have bullets rip through their bodies while they are in school, right after they had to put 17 of their classmates and friends in the ground. Like, imagine how fucked up your spirit has to be if that’s your response.
Why is that more jarring than Iowa rep Steve King displaying a confederate flag on his desk especially considering many Iowan soldiers died in confederate prison camps?
I don’t even get why these conservative rat-bastards would go after kids WHO FUCKING SURVIVED A MASS SHOOTING.
Smearing and trying to intimidate children. Shameful.